Road Captain

What makes a good Road Captain?  Surprise Surprise, I have an opinion!   LOL   Several years ago I was our Road Captain here at 23-11 but gave it up after realizing the CO at that time and I were at odds.  Basically, I didn't sign up for any BS nor serving his personal agenda so I walked away from it.... but in that short period, and based on my decades of riding experience leading group rides ..... well... I still have an opinion  ... go figure?

In my world... this means several simple things...

Planning Chapter Rides.  These are far and few between!   I did a few small ones, but trying to get the entire chapter together on a weekend is like pulling teeth... herding it what you want.   My travel schedule caused me some pain here so never pulled it off like I wanted.   When the old CO starting questioning why I hadn't put together a Poker Run like 'he'd asked' I was like .. "what Poker Run?  We never discussed that ..." ... soon realized his memory was 180 deg out of sync of mine ..... and I wasn't having any of it.. part of what led me to giving up that patch/position.  Still, it's up to the Road Captain to also PLAN the routes...  there is where I shine.  I get really anal on it all.  Personally, I thought I excelled in this area; still do.

Leading the Rides.  This is where many don't shine, IMHO.  I personally believe this is a borderline art form.  One has to be cognizant of the entire group.... From the time you pull out on a KSU , all the way to the destination.  Many accelerate out the gate leaving gaps and Slinkys behind them.  Many leave folks behind on a turn into traffic, not judging it all correctly.  Many can't keep a steady speed. Many haul ass t0o fast for the weakest rider (hey .. guilty.. been there done that.. no more).  One has to realize everything they do must be done in unison at some level. Most don't get it.  Fact.  That's the simple reason I prefer to lead most rides.

Safety Briefs.  I'm bad about this.  I personally believe we're all big kids and able to figure it all out.  But it's amazing how many folks don't fill up their tanks before a ride.  How many aren't aware of their bike's shortcomings.  So, you have to remind folks to check the air pressure, you name it.  Part of the job.

As long as I travel like I do, I won't step up to the position again in the near future.  In the meantime, I'll put together my own rides.  Part of what I do. Part of what I enjoy.  If someone wants to make one.. go for it.   From where I sit, most do a shitty job of that one simple thing <sigh> .


SOPs of other Chapters.... good info!

Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association (CVMA)Blue Ridge Chapter 27-4

Chapter 41-1V1.0 (2022)

VA 27-3 Road Captain SOP

CVMA 28-1 Road Captain Manual


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