Region V Roundup 2022 review

 Good Times!  Been planning on this one for quite some time.  Back on 2 MAR posted info on GIO to get things moving from a chapter perspective. Even posted on it HERE.  I've got to tell you ... sort of disappointing.  Well, from a chapter perspective, not from a personal perspective.  Personally, it rocked.

Was originally going to be several of us rolling up ... but ... folks started falling by the wayside.  Rocky .. no word from.  Boudreaux had a conflict and had to back out. Chief decided to go up a day early with KAL; all good. Several others in the chapter either didn't reach out about their travel times at all, or had to leave later.  When the smoke cleared, it was Dutch and I rolling up Friday morning.  We rolled out of GVL around 0800 and lil' over 4 hours later into Lawton.  Temps were 70deg when we left, low 90s when we rolled in without a cloud in the sky ... Perfecto!  Got to the Hilton several hours early than check in time, so headed next door for some cold ones to the Brewery.   We where there less than an hour when some folks I recognized from LA rolled in, Olllie and Eazy Det.  Bought them their first round (they did the same for me later), and the Roundup is on!  Thirty minutes later, someone taps me on the shoulder and says "is that your bike that fell on it's side?".  I jerk my head to the left to look out the window (all is good), then over my right shoulder with a "FUCK YOU!" .. and realize, I've just spoken my first words ever to our National President "Mutt"... whoops!   Apparently he likes to do this to many to fuck with them....   hahaha.. .. GOT ME ..  all is good!  I immediately take a liking to this guy ...  he and Cool Shot park it to our left on some stools and we've now got half the bar top populated with CVMA.  Still, gotz to check in .. so after a few hours we meander back to the Hotel and we're checking in. Chief rolls up in perfect timing from their sight seeing and ...   we're all at the hotel!.

Cool Shot, myself and Mutt

Bike on it's side :)

Checking in

Few hours go by, cleaned up and sipping beers downstairs, we've also connected up with Boomer and Yaya along with  a few others.. and we all head to the Pre Party at the local VFW where there are hundreds of bikes parked.   Drinks are flowing in the bar, the local chapter is putting on an "Indian Taco" dinner  which was really good, with a shit load of desserts yum! Before we got too fired up , headed back to the hotel to park the bikes and hit the hotel bar and outside area to knock out some cigars Dutch has brought.  Dudeman finds us to bust some balls.  Chief, Dutch and Myself....   close the bar. . Zzzzzzzzzz

Saturday is a day of riding for Dutch and I.  At the Diamondback HD dealer early, hit their store, line up and we are rolling for a short 35 mile run they are hosting. Prior we do a patch in for a few new members with an awesome opening ceremony from one of the local Indian Tribes.  Boomer gave one of his great speeches as always as well as leading the patch in ceremony.  Few hours later, back at the dealer .. and .. we're thirsty/hungry so find a nearby place to eat.  We've connected up with CHENG and Honey Badger this morning so they join us for grub.  Chief and KAL are out hitting museums, etc. so they aren't with us.  Gotta admit, that A/C in the joint felt good!  Temps have been rising slowly, into the 90s.  Few cold ones and .. I feel a nap coming on... so Dutch and I roll back to get some shut eye in our rooms.  Hour goes by and time for Ride #2.  We meet up and we're headed back to the HD dealer to line up for the 1600 hrs. ride.  Turns out, this is the good one.  We put on more than double the morning miles and the group is less than 3 dozen bikes.  Nice lil twisties and tight turns through the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge area.  Unfortunately we didn't see any buffalo like others did earlier that day, but the range area outside Ft Sill is beautiful.  Before Sunset we're back at the VFW for a post party.  Was wondering what to do for dinner but they surprise us with a BBQ setup that was really good!  Make it to about 2030 hrs, but the sun is going down and... need to get back before the alcohol sets in.  Back to the hotel and Dutch and I join up for a few at the hotel bar; I'm beat.

Soon it's 0600 and my eyes are open; time for some grub.  They've got a pretty good breakfast downstairs so ... try it again.  Then, time to pack up and clean up, then I'm soon downstairs again.  Everyone is popping out of the woodwork ... Boomer, Mutt , Dudeman ...  Chief .. Dutch ...   back slaps, hugs, folks are rolling home.  Gotten to have some great conversations with folks... met OSCAR this trip out of 7-8 (LA Little Rock area).  Still, it's hard to believe it's time to go.  Apparently CHENG rolled out already around 0800, Delco and Boots say they are running late.. so ... it's just myself, Dutch and Chief / KAL rolling back; 2 bikes and a trike.  We're all fueled up so just a notch before 0830 .. we are rolling.  Temps are low 70s ...   working up to 95 before we hit Greenville.  Cruised along at the speed limits, sometimes five over.   Again, not a cloud in the sky.   Highlight of this one is we reached out to Lucy who joined us for lunch in Greenville as we finished our weekend ride.  Perfect.

p.s.  This was my final piece of the puzzle for LRRP Tri-State ..... submitted!

Awesome Ride/Temps

Now.. for my gripe session.  I mentioned I put this out there back in March.  For the most part this fell on deaf ears. No discussions for the most part.  No one chiming in on joining the ride there or back.  A few days before leaving a few chimed in on riding up there, but ... no one seemed to want to ride up as a chapter. I get some of the situations.  But overall, got to say I'm disappointed at some level.  It's almost embarrassing how many folks don't participate in some of these events. We have approximately 70 in our chapter; 12 showed up and only one of them is on the CEB.  We didn't ride up as a Group/Chapter. I believe Regionals is a big deal. Just as State is.. and Nationals.  But for some reason .....  from my perspective... Regionals is shunned by our chapter.  I know quite a few folks (before my time in the CVMA) went in '17...but .. since then .. minimal.  I don't get it.  It's awesome to see our fellow members from other states.  Always great to meet new folks and reunite with some that we've met over the years.  At the same time and on a related note, it's beyond my grasp why folks don't ride up as a group.  It's like beating your head against a wall to get folks to line up... .. ?   Yes, I realize some folks have financial limitations.  Schedule limitations... but as a whole.... hmm...  I call BS.  How about we fucking participate??  Once there, why not ride as a chapter back?  Hmmmmmmmm.....js

Oh well, I'll continue to put the info out there. State should be an interesting one.  I've already put it out there, but just like Regionals, fucking crickets.  I've put out a potential route.... but.. fucking crickets.  I'm sure as we get closer, someone will post an alternate route, rolling straight down I-35.  That just sounds exciting!  Lotsa concrete! :)   Next month when I post about State .. we'll see if I called it right?  Me personally .. I'll be rolling down 2 lanes most of the way, taking a whole extra 45 minutes or so, enjoying nice scenery and riding through small towns.... .. you know.. sort of like this past weekend?

Friday Night

Indian Tacos!

Friday Night

Friday night at the Hilton

Saturday Opening Ceremony

Saturday Morning

Equipment on Display from Ft Sill

Equipment on Display from Ft Sill
Equipment on Display from Ft Sill

Equipment on Display from Ft Sill

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Groups IO | GIO

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