May Chapter Mtg : Well, that didn't work out as expected

 Well, not the blog post I'd started on Sunday morning.... but hey, I finished it?


Part A

I've got a pet peeve, as do some of my close buddies.  We don't ride enough; simple as that.  Rocky has brought up a great point, similar to what I've heard others say in the past.  "Why don't we ride somewhere as a chapter, and have the meeting at the destination?"  Makes perfect sense to me, but ... never happens.  Excuses / roadblocks always come up in the explanations.  Well, today is our meeting at Tin Cup Tavern, so I took it upon myself to create a short ride prior to get some time on two wheels as a group. Guessing we'll be lucky to have ten bikes participate, assuming we get 1/2 that.  It's always par for the course.  Just a fact.  Now, my idea of a 'ride' isn't find a meet point and head 20 minutes down 4 lanes or Interstate and arrive.  No, my idea is off the beaten path, take the longer way if possible, and lets go have some fun.  So, last week I put this out.

"Sunday Funday Ride to the Chapter Meeting at Tin Cup Tavern.  

Few of us are going to do a two laner the 'long way' this coming weekend if you'd like to join in.  Weather is forecasted to be .. P E R F E C T .   It'd be nice to ride in as a larger group.  Looks like the American Legion in Tawakoni opens up at 1100 hrs, so that's the 'meet time'.  KSU is at 1130hrs.  Approximately 45 miles/ 55 minutes to the Tin Cup via Point/  Lone Oak / Miller Grove route.  Lots of nice sweeping turns ......"

Yesterday, updated with 

"Tomorrow .. we ride.     To get to the start point few of us are leaving Cash area at 1015 hrs headed to Lone Oak to top off fuel.  We'll leave Valero in Lone Oak at 1045 to head to American Legion in Tawakoni.   Then, as stated earlier, the actual ride begins at 1130 hrs to the chapter meeting."

I'm typing this as of 0500hrs on Sunday morning, up way too early.  Chief, Rocky, Snoopy, Dutch, Lucy and myself are forecasted to be riding.  Hopefully Shooter joins in.  Maybe we'll get a few surprises meet us with as well; one can hope.  For now, off to sip some more java and in 4 or 5 hours, we'll be start prepping the bike for the ride.   Always a good day on two wheels ....

Advertised Route


Well, here we are .. it's Tuesday morning as I pick up on what I should have finished and published Sunday evening.  ..

Closing the garage.. time to ride!

Felt a lil off, not enough sleep .. but I'd thrown a leg over the bike with a few minutes to spare and as I'm headed down the driveway, Chief and Dutch are headed my way. I'd expected to meet the Chief 1/2 mile further out at the intersection, but didn't expect Dutch.  He was doing errands and dropped by the Chief's and they rode out early.  After BSing in the roundabout, we head to the Valero to top off in Lone Oak.  Rocky and Snoopy were moving slow they bailed on the ride and are meeting us at the meeting.  Hell, I had the same thought but my dumb ass set this ride up and I have to see it through; pussing out after setting it all up is not an option!  I've had a few cups of Java, pounded two Gatorades and have a water on my bike for the ride; all should be good.  Well, we roll out and head to Lone Oak.  After topping off, parking the bikes I head in for another Gatorade zero.  It's gong to be a warm one and I'm trying to get the body hydrated for a long day in the sun. Weirdly, I still don't feel 100%.  It's not a hangover...... but ... some crap I've been dealing with for two years now.  Anyways, we roll out to Tawakoni for the final meetup point.  As we roll into the American Legion and park them, our FNG rolls in (Jason) whom I haven't met before.  He's on a '20 Indian Chieftain so I'm smiling but initially don't realize he's with us; he hasn't patched in yet.  We all work our way indoors and this place is packed by 1100 hrs; wtf?!?   Turns out they are having a pool tournament.  So, we grab some refreshments head to the back room and relax to kill time for the next thirty minutes. I just learned Swamprat is going to make it, so I've got a smile on my face.  That'll put us up to five bikes, so it finally feels like an actual 'ride' will go down. What I didn't expect is after Swamprat rolls in, so does Hollywood... and Goose & Sassy Pants .. and Rouge & Top Shelf ... what the hell?  I had no idea .. now I'm smiling.  And the icing on the cake, Shooter rolls in.  NOW, this is going to a nice Ride! We've got a full house!

Quickly it's 1130 so we're off. Once we get everyone off the gravel and onto 276, we're moving along at the speed limit.  Keep it in check (within 5 over) enjoying 2 Mile Bridge road with minimal traffic and we're headed towards an area I've never ridden, well sort of.  I'm working us towards Point via 2 lanes so we stay off of 69 as much as possible.  We soon grab 2737 towards Lone Oak which  I knew was a nice road but ... but.... this is where I fucked up.  This is why you should try to pre ride routes if possible.  I'd seen on the map that 1525 cut over to a perfect cross point to jump on 514 which begins the fun part of the ride, so took it but then quickly realize I made a mistake.  The next couple of miles I'm just glad we didn't hit dirt or gravel, but it wasn't much better.  Nothing but repaired pot holes and pot holes that needed to be repaired again.  Arrrgggh.  I know I've got pretty much everyone behind me either laughing or pissed ... but.. what are you going to do at this point?  Well, we survive it and pop out where I expected, and now .. we are on roads that I've ridden often.  And, I think this is when my problem began.  Maybe I got a lil stressed on that last stretch over worrying about it all?  Wasn't a big deal but by the time we get to 514 I just don't feel right and I'm trying to shake it off, taking deep breaths .. trying to get my head right.  I'm rolling at the speed limit or a notch higher, enjoying the upcoming corners, feet on the highway pegs.  Then 275 headed north, and ..... my head ain't clearing. It's getting 'lighter' .  Then headed west out of Miller Grove on 1567 and I'm looking at my GPS trying to calculate distances and wonder how much longer I can maintain this ride.  As we get closer to Lone Oak I'm actually starting to worry for the first time. I'm not right and I shouldn't be on this bike but there are no shoulders and I can't find a place to get these bikes over as a group without creating a cluster fuck. Now, the alternate is true also .. If I don't pull this off I'm going to create a bigger cluster fuck .. but .. I can see Lone Oak on my GPS and it's just around the corner so I'm scheming to pull off at the gas station prior to our turn onto 513.  We we pull up to the light at 69 I wait for Chief whom is riding #2 behind me.  I tell him I'm going to pull in to the gas station real quick and follow me.  He's having trouble hearing me, but knows somethings up.  Minute later we pull in and I'm in a full panic about right now trying to keep the bike up and not make a scene.  I tell him to please take the group up 513 the rest of the way and I'll be right behind them... I've go something I have to take care of.  Later he'll bust my balls because he's thinking I've got to do a #2 there and scrambling!  Luckily everyone moves on as I wave them forward and now .. it's time to get my shit together.  Historically, it takes a water and 5-15 minutes sitting down to get my head on and for the 'feeling of fainting' to go away.  As luck would have it, as Dutch was riding away he kept looking back and knew something wasn't right.  As a retired Fireman/Paramedic, his reflexes kicked in.  As I type this, I'm thanking the man upstairs he did.  I'm obstinate about this crap; actually find it all embarrassing because I don't know what the hell has been causing all this the last two years.   Well, after way too long sitting on the bench and thinking it's going to pass .. but getting worse ... Dutch checks my pulse and immediately figures out we've got a serious problem.  He tells me I've got an irregular beat  .. missing beats .. and convinces me to okay him calling 911, which is a first.   I'm sure he'd done it anyways but ...  he was holding my hand the entire time, calming me down ....getting me to lay down.  Then things get a lil crazy and it all blends together.   While he was calling 911, I found my phone and called Lucy whom is only ten minutes away.  At the same time a local volunteer Lone Oak fireman shows up on the scene and provides Dutch backup.  Then I feel Lucy's hand and Dutch is able to now focus on the whole situation filling in the Paramedics who show up next.  Then the Ambulance is there.  In the middle of this a sweet lady who's car is blocked in by all this asks if she can pray for me  .. I'm like "YES!" ...   and my emotions have taken over and ...  I'm realizing ... this sucks.  I'm soon in the ambulance, Lucy is following ... Dutch is figuring out how to get my bike back to the house (Thank You!) ... and the fun begins.  Now I'm fully hooked up to all the wires and machines and realizing shit has gotten serious and Dutch was my Angel.  I'm hearing "PVC" over and over.. apparently I'm skipping beats... 3 .. then 4.. this apparently is what's causing my light headed-ness..  They have me hooked up for fluids to get me hydrated... and by the time we get to the hospital pulling up ... I have a doozey moment where I almost lose consciousness and I hear them say "damned... that was 9" ... I guess 9 PVCs in a row ... which apparently ain't good.  But, I never was out.  Never flat lined or any BS or whatever happens or could happen.  My ICD (pacemaker) never zapped my ass like it did several weeks ago.  But I've been laying down now for thirty minutes total and going over things in my mind ... everything.. .as I always do.   How the hell did this all happen??   What did I do to cause all this??   Well .. I have an idea(s).

Lucy and I spend a lot of time in the pool,  always have, always will.   We are also beach people as many know.  One of the reasons I love Texas is the climate; temps and heat (crazy huh?).   And in that mix is adult beverages .. sometimes often.  Well, the problem is .... if you're sipping adult beverages and no other fluids something has to give.  Now, I probably shouldn't even say this because some are thinking the worst.  But the base problem is ...I rarely drink just water.  I've had Rocky bust my balls for years over this actually borderline forcing me to drink my water.  Lucy drinks 4x more than I do of it at night.  If I tried that, I'd spend 1/2 the night to and from the bathroom.  Well, Saturday we'd spent the entire day before in the backyard, grilling, swimming.. and ... no water intake.   I woke up feeling off .. not hungover... just off.  I knew I was dehydrated and I was trying to get ahead of it all ..... sadly I put myself in this predicament; once again.

Well back to the story.  I'm soon in the Emergency Room # 17 (heard them say it on the radio ...  at least they prearranged that) and they've got me hooked up and the excitement for all is watching all those PVCs continue to pop up.  It's a busy day and they have patients on beds in the hallway. I'm guessing my heart issue earned me a room with the equipment.  Lucy finally makes it in to be with me.  Rocky and Snoopy leave the meeting to see me.  Dutch makes it over after figuring out how to get my bike back to the house.  I'm wanting to go home and they are laughing at me as if I'm kidding. I told Lucy to go check on  Peanut and she's headed back afterwards to check on me in for the night.  By 1800 hrs they have  a room upstairs for me; at one point they said I might be stuck in 17 all night. I'd already decided I was going to put my shirt on and walk out of there if that happened.  Good news is, we never found out if I was dumbass enough to try.  By 1830 I'm in a nice private room, hooked backed up, finally get the boots and jeans off .. and in the for the night.  They lock the hospital down for security reasons (I never found out why) .. so ...  Lucy had to turn around and head home.  

For the next 22 hours, it's blood tests, IVs, crappy TV and hospital food. My heart doc will make it in by 1000hrs and I'm feeling great.  He's frustrated with me (Hydration!!!) but on a positive note, all the nurses were great. At 1030 hours I'm scheduled for one last test and I can leave.  Yeah .. sure... .. at 1600 they FINALLY show up but apparently I'm lucky.  Everyone that got in before me, was scheduled the day PRIOR.. so .. I STFU and got through it all.  After she leaves, pop up out of the bed, I've got all my paperwork in hand..   got my jeans and boots on .. but now waiting for my nurse to 'wheel me out' . I'm soon walking the corridors asking nurses to take the IV out of my arm so I can leave.   Lets just say, they were scratching their heads seeing me for the first time wondering what's up with this guy trying to bail.   Finally Jessica (my go to nurse) shows up and we get it out of my arm... .... I'm shaking hands and giving out hugs and thanks to all at the nurses desk putting up with my BS ... and finally that elevator door opens up.  They are rid of my ass .. and ... I'm acting like all is good.  When the doors close I'm friggn' light headed, leaning against the elevator walls to stay upright and soon trying to find Lucy out front so we can get the hell out of their and back home. Next few hours I feel like I've been beat up and wondering how the hell this is all going to play out... I'm exhausted.

Well, up at 0600 .... cup of java.. front porch and I'm smiling; Life is Good.  Stupid amount of water in me all night.  Great nights sleep.   That reminds me of the other part of my conclusion.   There is a trifecta I've discovered with all this mess.   Ninety five percent of the time shit happens with me lately (light headed, heart racing)  .. as in the last two years..  Some form of alcohol involved the day before.  Second piece is a crappy nights sleep .. you know... 4 or 5 hours total ...if I'm lucky   ... and the finale is lack of water over the previous 24 hours.  Now, you'd assume that by now I'd be smart enough to eliminate one of these contributors to fix the problem.  Yeah  .. me too.   So for now, instead of trying to find the right mix make things work out... I'm going to simply eliminate one of the contributors.   Lets just say ... Sunday scared the shit out of me ...  or... put another way ...the Tequila out of me.

More to follow..................


  1. I'm really glad your allright, just don't forget..... Every time I start to forget or right before I'm about to
    Take a drink. I let those memories those thoughts and those feelings flood my brain until it makes me physically ill diving deeper down the rabbit hole of my mistakes untill it's unbearable, I open my crystal clear eyes and say to myself this is y I'm sober.

  2. Close one Amigo. Might apply moderation, in EVERYTHING. I applied it at about 45 or 46 and it may be why I'm still around 20 years later. Then there's the God thing. He's saved my bacon so many times, and sounds like He did yours. Grateful for every time. This one especially. Value our friendship Brother!

    1. I don't think I push it hard.. though .. most .. say I do . Just the way I'm wired. However....... reevaulating a LOT of things.... Thanks Brother for the good words!


Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Final Ride of Feb ... ?

KRAKEN (L) and KRIMSON (R) I've been all over the map this month.  Got back to Tejas a few days ago.   Hell, didn't unpack until lit...