Lucy : New Life Member

  Woohoooooooooo... Just got word Lucy got approved.  She joined up lil over 37 months ago, so not bad.  But........

Learned a few things along the way the last six weeks.....    Last year she'd noticed her 201 didn't reflect the day she patched in. In fact a lot of the chapter meetings she had attended didn't show on her 201.  WTF?  I downplayed it all saying "who cares?  All  you care about is 1 sanctioned event annually to show... the rest is just fodder." Told her you joined 9 Sep, you attended a sanctioned event in '20, '21 and '22.  No big deal ... But, I was wrong.

I've blog'd about this before but for Life Membership, CVMA uses a spreadsheet that breaks each year out into 12 rolling months, separately.  Point being, her 2020 Sanctioned event was in October, so that was 13 months after she had joined.  See the problem?  Well, I called BS because she was Patched in at a Sanctioned Event... .a event she never got credit for. Either she didn't sign the login sheet or someone missed it.   Who's fault is that? Well, initially there was finger pointing, BUT, in hindsight it's OUR fault.  EVERYONE should pay attention to their 201.   Well, I pointed this discrepancy out, and our SR graciously updated her 201 with that info.  However, doesn't matter.  The Life Membership Application states no entries on the 201 can be counted for LM unless they are annotated within six months of the event.  I've now gotten anal over all this.

Overall, I was pretty calm about this. Her, not so much.  Along the way I ruffled a couple feathers and learned a few things about the system.  The Process.  And .. about a certain individual to remain anonymous.   

Morale of the Story.  LOOK at your 201 and ensure your shit is correct.

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