Officer Positions

 Every wonder 'why' people run for certain positions?  I do once in awhile.  We're all wired a lil' different of course and I have no idea why many run for certain positions.. but ..I wonder about it sometimes for various reasons.

Me personally I found myself in the mix initially as Road Captain.  I love to ride and no one seemed to be stepping up to the plate, so I did. I went over and beyond on some of the smaller chapter events / rides we had, but we never did any big rides IMHO.  Was that my fault?  Could be.  I travel alot for personal reasons.  I ride a lot of non-CVMA related.  So, when I sensed I was getting in a head butt situation with the CC at the time a few years back, I handed it over.  Didn't want the drama nor play the game he was playing.  Since then I find myself on the sidelines questioning others (to myself), personally critiquing the process, etc.  But if I'm not going to step back into the arena, I'll keep my mouth shut.  I know ... I know.. why talk it about it now?  Hey .. it's my Blog .. lol

Next up was Webmaster position.  Nobody else seemed to want it so I stepped up and was appointed.  In my opinion, the value of a web page is minimal in our situation so I didn't see the sense in building out a high end version so I simply created a Blog for the info... actually ... the Blog you are reading.   Modified it quickly so it worked.  We have nothing on there really.... no Store.  No communication.. just a few links and a who's who page.  Somewhere along the line, someone else seemed to think they had a better idea so I stepped away.  I didn't agree with how it all went down, but maybe that was simply my ego. Then found myself back in it... and out again when someone else had the interest.  Well, actually ...

I was asked to be PRO so I passed on the Webmaster duties. Now the kicker is, the old PRO walked at an inopportune time and we had a lil' .... not really chaos.. but...  I'll call it lack of continuity.  Simultaneously, the State PRO was having issues so I stayed in the shadows doing the basics of the position; posting events, info, rides.  I didn't run and get elected for the position so I had no issues moving on.  Had I been elected, I'd still been doing that.  

Now in the mix of all this I was part of the CEB which I was never elected to. Found myself in CEB meetings, etc. where I didn't agree with everything I was hearing.  I'm actually a low maintenance guy within the CVMA (well, I do like to Blog... LOL).  But now I'm hearing all the drama internally.  Seeing some things that I felt were wrong.  I'm friends with some of the folks being discussed and had to keep it to myself.  I simply want to Ride.  Enjoy the Brotherhood and enjoy helping out others when possible. Simple as that. I won't run for a position unless I'm 100% in and available.  I've been asked multiple times by a few, but I don't see that happening for another five years.

Which brings me to the point of this post I guess.  What drives people to run for a position? Me, would be because I know I could do it better than anyone else in the mix running; the obvious choice.  Or if I outright disagreed with the direction and felt I had to do it to make the changes for the betterment of the Chapter.  But why do others?  And that I wonder about sometimes.  Sadly I think a few ...  just a few in the big picture ... do it as a power play.  Some folks like the title.  The lime light. I see that in 'civilian life', writing about it elsewhere.  Those that know me know I don't give a shit about titles, especially in the real world (our day jobs).  I don't need the lime light; honestly have enough of that in my day job along with the stress that usually accompanies it.  But some do. And when I realize that, it bothers me;  deeply.  The good news is, that's not the vast majority of folks that do this. But why do the few others?  Especially when you get to the State and National levels.  Some of this takes up a LOT of one's time.  For many/most of the folks, my hat is off to them.  Watching our State Treasurer in action, I have nothing but respect.  Our State Rep and SAA, same.  Our Regional Rep .. same ..  Our National Prez .. same.  These folks are putting in a LOT of their time and effort.  Kudos.   Other's out there, not always so much from where I sit.

I find myself pushing back on a few as time goes on.  Hey, I'm not here just to make friends. I have a shit load of friends that spans decades.  I'm here for the Brotherhood and I mean the legit brotherhood that exists between many of us.  The military comradery.  Guess I've missed much of it that last few decades and that need is met here. On the other hand, I see folks that apparently don't have 'any' friends except for those in the Chapter and that one makes me scratch my head.  Makes me look a lil deeper into possible issues?  Hey .. it's the way I'm wired.   What I wonder is .. how many others think like I do... see what I do?  I know a few do. But the last thing I'm going to do is take a general Survey and stir the pot!

What makes folks tick.  What makes folks step up to the plate.  I wonder often. Yep.. I'm always watching .. evaluating.  Most of the time I'm impressed.  Sometimes I'm perplexed as to why they put up with some of the BS.  But other times sadly,  I see something dysfunctional in play and put my distance between us. I'm doing that currently in a specific situation.  Guessing .. that's the point of this post in an obscure way.  

Press on .. nothing to see here .  Just bored and rambling?

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