LRRP Grand Slam 2023?

LRRP Grand Slam '22 is in the books.  It's representative of all three; FTM, Inner State and Tri-State.  With a few months to go, I'm already planning for '23!
Polar Bear Plunge

First reservation is made ....  headed to Shreveport LA  for their  Polar Bear Plunge Aux event first weekend of February.  Still trying to find an Oklahoma event. Worst case, OK State is probably the same weekend as Steel Horse Rally? I know by first week of May, few in AR will probably be held in Little Rock... that's a Tri State Tab!

Ride for the Green
Texas...  23-15 should have their run in March.. that's 1200 miles (Ride for the Green).  But, the Leather and Lace ball is in El Paso is in mid Feb, weekend after the Shreveport event.... that's 1400 miles round trip. Problem is .. mama doesn't seem to want to go.   Mix that with a more 'local' event and by end of Spring... that's the Inner State Tab!

Nationals is in Colorado Springs come June.  That's a no brainer.  Already have the route planned. I'm not even going to advertise it this year.  You're in or you're out.  I've done 3/4 Iron Butts by myself anyways.  I rode back from Nationals last year by myself.  Still, something cool about a small group going ... and I'm sure I'll be riding with someone else, but .. they can find me... I won't be looking for them.   So, June... Finish the Mission Tab.

And that folks ... is a Grand Slam!

Well, lost the first 3 months due to some issues....   got shit to make up this summer!

1 comment:

  1. Grand Slam '23. FTM done. Tri State, qualified but haven't submitted yet. Surprisingly, Inner State will take the longest . WIll by October most likely, but... worst case.. early December with a run to 23-15!


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Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...