Sanctioned Events: Does it 'matter?'

 Hey .. I'm guilty of it.  When I see an event out there one of the first things I wonder, look for is... is it Sanctioned???  Now, in all fairness, does it matter?  Well, yes and no.

In the big picture .. .NO.  One just wants to have a good time!  Me personally I 'assume' if it's sanctioned it'll be larger and more folks there vs just a local chapter and maybe a few other locals rolling in.   So, why does it matter then? Well, if you're hosting a Chapter Event you want participation; lots of it!  So you pick you biggest/best (only?) as your annual Sanctioned Event.  No Brainer.  But what about from the perspective of an attendee?

Well,  I come up with 4 reasons

1. If someone is wanting to put in their Life Membership Application they have to have attended 1 sanctioned event per 12 month window over a 3 year period (Nationals is a requirement in there as well, and counts as one of the Sanctioned events of course).  So, this gets' that checkmark.

2. If someone from out of state is pursuing their LRRP Tri-State tab, the events need to be sanctioned to count.

TRI-STATE: Single award per calendar year for riding to three (3) separate out-of-state Sanctioned Events in three different states (National Sanctioned Events, Regional Sanctioned Events, or State Sanctioned Events). 

3. If someone is pursuing their LRRP Inner State tab, Sanctioned events are needed outside of chapter meetings ( not chapter events) :

INNER-STATE: Single award per calendar year for riding to multiple separate Home State Sanctioned events (National Sanctioned Events, Regional Sanctioned Events, State Sanctioned Events, Chapter meetings other than member’s own).

4. If someone is rolling by themselves in their own state, or out of state for that matter (vs authorized group ride), it counts towards DRP mileage (assuming that's their chapter's policy)

I'm pretty sure .... that's it.  I guess one could say it identifies a Chapter's main event for the year since we only get one per nowadays, instead of two..  So, for most folks does it really matter?  Nope.  I believe there was a time you had to attend a sanctioned event annually.  But nowadays, one simply has to attend a single chapter meeting to remain in good standing.  And even then, if one isn't, by attending a SINGLE event or chapter meeting .. after years and years, they are back in good standing assuming all their dues are paid.

So, does SANCTIONED really matter?   Even though I've already attained Life Membership, I'm an LRRP / DRP freak so it does matter to me.  But, does it matter to the average member? Well, I'm  There is literally no point in it theoretically.  Theoretically.  The average member doesn't want to pony up $200 for a life membership.  The average member isn't attending event after event in their state or region.  Hell, the average member doesn't participate / contribute to their chapters overall meetings/events (IMHO.... I'm a believer in the 20/80 rule) throughout the year. Me personally I think EVERYONE should attend one ore more sanctioned events each year.  I think EVERYONE should attend most of their Chapter's meetings and events throughout the year.  But, neither are a 'hard' requirement. 

Am I missing something?  Comment below!

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