JAN Mtg - Gar Hole

  Man .. friggn' weather.    What to do .. what to do.

If it cooperates ....   rolling out around 1100 hours to get there a notch early.    Hopefully I can get Lucy on the back ; she's a fair weather rider.    If the weather doesn't cooperate, we'll cage it up leaving a lil after 11 rolling up 69 , 380, 78 , etc.   But ..  I always enjoy this ride on 2 wheels ...  so ... crossing the fingers!

Been awhile since I've been to the Gar Hole (previously Big Slicks).  Always drop into the Motorcycle Outpost to see Jerry.  He's rumor'd he's got it up for sale; if so hoping it stays 'what it is' ...

Temps are supposed to be mid 60s with possible rain in the morning.  Say it aint' so ...  need to stay dry and warm!

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr... not looking good (7JAN update)

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Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

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