In the big picture.... they don't really 'matter'.  In theory, they ONLY matter for one to achieve Lifetime Member status or if one is working towards an LRRP Award in a given year.  That's it!   Annually one only has to attend a single chapter meeting to stay in "Good Standing"....  but ....   I have a gripe.

Most Chapters (all?) have an annual Sanctioned Event.  We used to be authorized TWO; every chapter until last month. Now, ONLY one.  Apparently at the State level, all states, they can have as many as they want but most have at least one (State Meeting).   In Texas I can think of two of the top off my head for 2022 ...  the State Meeting and the SOCOM/Shindig.   Louisiana has one on Jan 1st, the Polar Bear Ride for ALL chapters.   Now, here's my issue.

How the hell do you find them all?  The obvious answer is the SANCTIONED EVENTS CALENDAR on the National site (  So, going there one would assume they would see 50 states x X chapters per state which would be what ...  at least 200 if not 400+ events?  But ... no....   

Example  as of today ... a quick look and I see 

  • JAN 22 -    Five Events
  • FEB 22 -    Two Events
  • MAR 22 -  Six events
  • APR 22 -   Eleven events
  • MAY 22 -  Eleven Events
  • JUN 22 -   Three Events
  • JUL 22 -   Six Events
  • AUG 22 - Four Events

etc, etc

Now .. that includes regionals in there as well.  I'm thinking ...  shouldn't there be like .. 500 entries? Unacceptable and frustrating.  So, I head to the Texas web site for the TX calendar.  Same thing.  Frustrating.

Now .. the average member says "... what's the big deal? "  Well, how about the PROs get off their butts and submit all this correctly?   Submit to the State PRO reps and they update .. correctly.  Hell, you can't even find a current and correct Chapter web page too often.  Frustrating.

What is my beef?  Well .. it's my own issue .. but ... if one wants to do a LRRP Tri-State ...  this crap is frustrating trying to plan it all out.   If one is trying to do an LRRP Inner State ... same thing.   Texas has a program to visit ALL 26 chapters .... god help you trying to figure out that one via calendars.  One has to resort to picking up the phone after researching via the National page ...and hope it's updated...    to figure out a chapters schedule?

There... got it off my chest.   Not sure what I accomplished.. but.. did finish a cup of java typing this  

1 comment:

  1. Be careful what you Bitch about.... guess who is the new PRO now... lol


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Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...