No Ride but .. wear Vest?

Every once in awhile I like to Bitch and Whine ...   so .. I do it here on my Blog(s).   Here's a pet peeve of mine...  this isn't specific to our association .. but.. across the board.

When folks go out n' about to a gathering with others that rode .. but... they caged it .. and walk in wearing a vest.  For some reason .. that just drives me bat shit.  I know .. I know .. get over it?  Sorry .. I can't.

If one goes to an Event or Meeting that they didn't ride to, why not wear a Shop/Work Shirt with our Logo?   Or how about a Polo that is branded with CVMA?   A Tee or Hoody?   Doesn't matter what I say .. but ..  one of my pet peeves.  On a positive note, I've never been called out on why I'm NOT wearing my vest (if they ever do, I'll have too much fun with it all.. trust me).  If I rode, I always wear it.  Always.  Fifty deg?  Wore it.  Over a hundred degrees?  Wore it.   But otherwise ... .why?

I broke this rule at State in '19 and it almost bit me in the ass.  That's another story in itself, has nothing to do with the above.. but.... lets just say I didn't ride after the meeting  when we dropped off bikes and caged it back to the VFW so myself and others could partake in adult beverages and in the 'aftermath' was wearing that vest when I shouldn't have been.  I'd actually considered leaving it ... but didn't have a 'work shirt' packed .. others were wearing vest ... so ... I did. Lesson Learned. But, that's not the point of the whole post.

Why wear a motorcycle vest if ... you ain't riding a motorcycle?  That was my point ...


Simplest Solution; can even get an iron on 'back patch'


  1. You are not alone in your thinking.... I'll leave it at that!!

    1. Appreciate your support .. nice to know I'm not alone :)


Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...