Lousisana State Meeting- JAN22

Thanks to the LRRP program, I'd been looking for several locations to travel out of state this year after successfully completing the Tri-State for last year.  The first sanctioned event for the year to pop up was LA's state meeting, less than 300 miles away.  I was a notch 'confused' at first since I attended last years and it was in the summer and they have another one listed for summer '22.  Reached out to the POC to verify and they have TWO .. not one as we do in Texas.  I'm thinking this is going to be a several hour meeting that I'll be out of place at , but hey ... need the 'swipe!'  Attending is the best decision I've made this year so far ...   now if I can just keep up that level of luck?

I announced it on groups.io to see whom else was interested, knowing Chief and I would be going as a minimum.   I'd expected Rocky to roll with us as well, but as luck ... or bad luck .. would have it, his bike was in the shop in the queue; standard Covid bs nowadays.  Honey Badger chimed in early on so was thinking we'd have four at one point but he had to pull back due to his work schedule.  When the smoke would clear was just the two of us.  My route planned was a simple one.  Nice weather, we try to stick to scenic two laners.  Crap weather we grab interstate and make time.  Good news is on the way down, weather rocked in the 70s the whole way (60s first 1/2 hours).   As we pulled up to the hotel, down to 70 deg.   On the way back it'd be 39 deg when we were packing up the bikes, 40s the first two third, then up to a baking 52 the final third.  But leather solves most issues and wasn't bad.  We were supposed to head out Saturday and back on Sunday but Saturdays weather forced a change to leaving a day early and we were blessed with those 70s.  Had we waited until Saturday, with the winds we'd probably have canx the entire trip.

Upon arrival we grabbed our room, grabbed some grub around the corner and killed time catching up on old times.  Sharing stories to fill in the gaps.  Same on Saturday night after the meeting. Chief and I have known each other since around '85 from our flying days, and worked together here in Texas at our final duty station, even spent a weekend with friends at Lake Texoma at the MWR facility  ... but, we've never had quality time like this to truly open up and have some awesome discussions.   One of the beni's of traveling with your Brothers/Sisters in settings like this?  I learned a lot about him that I didn't know of prior and probably the same for him.  That alone made this trip worthwhile?  But the real purpose was the LA State Meeting and it wouldn't disappoint.

We rolled in to DRANOS ninety minutes before official start time thinking we'd be some of the first, but far from it.  The temps were dropping so we assumed most would be caging but proven wrong.  Another bike was already there and there would be dozens out there by the time it started.  We're greeted immediately by some with the local chapter and quickly head to bar area for a refreshment. Chief was being the smart one; me I've got intel they have Buffalo Trace over there somewhere.  Get a double poor on a few ice cubes, Chief gets a soda and the bill is $7.00 ... What ?  I'm digging this place!  Later on I'll get some beers and they are killer priced as well.  Priced like we're at a VFW or NCO Club.  My kind of place.  Venture back over to chat with quite a few folks , take a few pics .. and mark our territory in the corner for a place to park it for the meeting.  Right next to us they have a huge pot of Gumbo boiling and all the fixin's .  Its a chicken / sausage gumbo, crazy good rich flavor, but not too spicy (array of hot sauces on the table for all the cajuns .. couldn't resist that one).  Eventually the room fills up with upwards of 100 brothers/sisters, a few other couples pull up to our table and ... meeting starts.  BooBoo is the LA State Rep and he does an outstanding getting the meeting started and handles the entire meeting on his own; well done!  Boomer our Regional Rep has also made it down with his bride and has some good words for the crowd during the meeting.  The more I get to see and hear him, the more my repsect grows for the man.  Still never gotten to know him personally, but looking forward to that day. And as luck would have it, we have Eagle and Mouse at our table.  Eagle is pretty soft spoken  and I'm really having to lean forward to hear all his words during the meeting as we'd have multiple conversations on different subjects.  Kicker is, I had no idea initially whom I was talking to.  I'm looking at the right side of his vest (my left) and looks like he's been to just about every National Convention.  At the top shows he was previously President , SAA , etc.  so I finally ask .. "when did they change the verbiage from President to Commander?"   Ummm...   I soon learn I'm talking with a prior National President and this guy is the real deal.  His wife (mouse) was great to talk to and would eventually invite the Chief and I to dinner but we lost them in the crowd at one point and that wasn't to be.  Between BooBoo and Boomer 's great words to the crowd and a lot of info at their State and some National level, worth the trip.  Eagle and one other member were presented quilts by an organization for their service  and great things they've done along the way early in the meeting which was a great honor.   Less than two hours later, meeting is adjourned and the Chief and I work our way back to the hotel for another night of BSing about the good ol' days and do some scheming for what's coming later in '22.

After some weak chow at the Hotel breakfast provided....  packing bikes, lots of leather needed, we're saddled up and headed home.  We've got at least four hours of riding, and the temp just hit 40 as we head North.  Five or so hours later, I'm logging miles into my spreadsheet and thinking of a hot shower to warm up.  LA State Meeting ... is in the books.

Lessons Learned. There is ALWAYS a lesson learned on trips.  This one is no exception.  Overall we were both prepared and stayed warm on Sunday; relatively.   What would I have done different/better?

1.  More layers.  Should have packed some long underwear.  I had chaps on (Chief didn't), but one extra layer would have been prefect.  Pretty sure the Chief is going to procure some chaps for the 'next' trip.

2. Jacket.  I had on a leather motorcycle jacket that I pack for 'all trips' but knowing it was going to be chilly this trip I should have packed a better one with better insulation/liner.  

3. Helmet.  I 'hate' full face helmets but brought mine for the return trip.  Problem is I couldn't drink from the container I brought. Had I brought a 'yeti' with a good flexible straw, I could have worked around the issue.

4. Route Planning.  I'm normally anal about this but knew this was a simple trip so didn't map it out and print them out like I normally do.  I let my GPS do the work on the way down.  BUT.. had I taken the time to really look at this ... I'd have realized taking 69 due South to 63 due East was the route we'd end up taking.  I wouldn't have been staring at my GPS wondering why it wanted me to do this .. do that... and 1/2 the time was lying to me.   Was simple trip there and back overall.. .but ... I have a map holder I put on my tank .. shame on me for not mapping this one out.

5.  LRRP program rocks.  Pushes one outside their normal routine to meet folks in other chapters, sometimes other states.  Kudos' to whomever dreamed it up.

INFO learned on this trip.  The LRRP program is getting a 'new' tab option. If someone completes all three in a year, they'll be eligible to sew on a red Tab that represents all three instead of the 3 completed.  I dig it.  It's not grandfathered .. only for '22 moving forward. 

Additional Info on this weekend on my Personal Blog >>>  Bike trip to Alexandria Louisiana JAN22

Squirrel (Kim) and I 

Squirrel and Chief

Second stop headed home

Scenic Route Day 1

Interstate! Day 3

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Groups IO | GIO

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