Who's on First?

When's the next meeting ... ... where's that meeting?  Who's riding this weekend on the major run? Who's on what committee?   Whatever the issue, question ...  the info has to reside ... somewhere.

Public Web Site ...   Groups IO  ...   Public FB Page .. Private FB Group ... FB Messenger chat group .. email.  Does your head hurt yet with all the options, where it resides .. or .. on all (that NEVER hapens)

Well...   we 'officially' use GIO.

Last meeting after our discussion about the annual costs of the Public Web Page and the  App that Smitty put together based on WIX.....   find myself looking at a few things

CVMA CHAPTER 23-11 CVMA2311@groups.io

Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Chapter 23-11

Group Information

Okay ... 34 members ....
Now .. my match via our public we page is 35 members ; FM/SM/Aux.  Close enough for military work?   So ....   the numbers sort of  jive.  Now, I can't see whom all the GIO members are .. but .. we can only assume the count is similar.  So ...Not too bad?

Now, move to The App.  Spaces by Wix .

I think it shows 14 Members that have created an account.  Only several of that 14 have ever posted there.  I'd hope everyone has Dl'd it has scanned the app to get a feel for it..  Still that's less than 1/2 our membership as I type this.

Smitty and I have been discussing the merits of both.  This came up because of the 23-11 web page costs during the last meeting.  I agree with him that this GIO page is somewhat archaic.  However, I do believe it serves it's purposes for business discussion, archival of all that info, etc.   I also agree with him it's not widely/heavily used by all.  But, neither is the FB page or Group.  The FB Messenger "Chapter Stuff" is, but that's not the best place for business discussion since it doesn't lend itself to the ability to index, archive, separate discussion, etc, etc.   And, not everyone uses it because.. it's tied to FB. So that, is basically a BS channel with a mix of other things in there.. that should probably be on GIO .. lol

I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here, but ...   if anyone seriously wants to move away from GIO they need to download the App or login from the public web page where you can see a duplicate of the App ( I like the smart phone app better) to test this out.  At some point (less than 12 months from now) we need to fully embrace either of these at some point for Official Chapter Communication. One OR the other.

My vote today is GIO.... but as I said.... the app is slick and nice and has a lot of functionality.. and ...  is modern and easy to use.  Ten or eleven months from now if the entire chapter isn't using that App I personally will be asking us not to renew our WIX subscription for our public page that allows the App functionality ($$).  Waste of money if not being utilized by the majority of the chapter.

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Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...