Brotherhood - 1% style

Posted the below two pics on Social Media.  The quote stirred up a couple of responses.  Honestly wasn't trying to stir the pot at all... it simply .. hit home with me.

I've come to realize we're not all 'built' the same.  I've said for decades, I've got 3 circles of friends.  The Inner circle tends to be about a 1/2 doz folks at any one given time.  One to two might go in and out of that circle.  These are the folks you'd take the shirt off your back for.  The folks  that are there when you truly need them.  The one's you'd do 'anything' for and them for you. Heard the joke about needing someone to help get rid of the body?  Yeah .. that circle of friends.

The second circle is well... most of my friends.  They mean a lot to me. I care about them. I assume their feelings are the same.  Many of these folks I'm really tight with.  I'd do a lot for them.  Do a lot for them. Have done a lot for them.  I believe much of the feeling is mutual.   But they aren't around you every day usually.  They aren't on the phone with you often.  But... you're close.  Ask them to bring over a shovel or a back hoe and well.....   they ain't showing up?

The third circle is more like ... good acquaintances?  You consider them a friend but.....   do you depend on them?  Could you .. depend on them?  When was the last time you heard from them?  Would they be there with a pickup to help you move if you needed them?  Would they be over with 'things' to help if you were down and out?  Hell, if you found yourself in a bad situation .. think guys .. bars .. crazy shit .. and things got ugly, would they stay or run?  Most of those in the second circle would most likely jump into the fray.   This circle, is the majority.  There are hundreds in this outer circle.

But ...  that's not the point of this post.  Twenty years in the military; I made a LOT of good friends over those years.  Back in the day, we were sometimes in situations where we had each others back.  We were on missions and deployments that tested us. Over that twenty, you figured out whom had your back.  Whom not to trust 100%.  Whom were pussies?  Whom were the studs?  You realize, we're not all the same.  You realize you have to sometimes tread carefully.  Just a fact. Life.

After the military, comes a second career in the civilian world.  A dog eat dog world ($). I've rarely been the 'go for the throat' .. .'do whatever it takes' ... kind of guy.  I've usually been the guy that finds a gray area to make it work out for .... most.  It's worked for me. It's helped me be successful in life.  Still in the last 25 years or so ... I've found a few in that world I truly trust.  That i'd do almost anything for.  Forged life long friendships.  But....   few and far between.

Now.. the point of this post.  About a dozen years ago I joined a group of Riders that were pretty tight knit.   Some of them had been through a lot together.  I was late to the game IMHO but quickly forged some close relationships, some that exist today.  A handful.  Overall met a lot of great folks. Dozens and dozens of nice people; acquaintances?  I'm still part of that group, even though it's not on my main radar. Shoot me an invite to an event, I'll roll in.  Would be an awesome 'homecoming.'

A lil over five years ago, I found another group.  A group that mentally took me back to my military days for comaradire and having your buddy's back.  It's stirred deep emotions in me and I take it all seriously, probably too seriously.  Maybe not as much as some, but more than most I believe.  I spend way too much time over thinking things that could be portrayed as Drama.  Portrayed as .. 'who gives a shit anyways?" stuff.  But most of it all .... is pretty important to me.  But not everyone else feels the same.  Not everyone has the same set of values.  Not everyone is willing to go the distance?  I've watched folks over the last five plus years fall off the 'roster.'.  Many of those hailed the group as being great, worthy of our time and love ... etc.  Yes, I'm possibly overstating all this but ... simply trying to make a point.   I'm simply stating ... are you IN .. or are you OUT?   And if one is 'in', how the fuck do they say they are out a year or two later?    Were they simply full of shit about the patch.. the brotherhood ....all of it?   Hell, some of those idiots had ink showing their 'loyalty'.  Some of them gave a huge portion of their time towards it all... then.. like that .. they are gone.   Sometimes you become aware of their shenanigans that went on during their tenure.  Their cut throat BS behind the scenes. What happened to the brotherhood they spouted?  Hell, I'm still learning about some shit that went down late last year.  But with knowledge, comes.....  not power .. but....  hmmmm...   let me think on this one.  Understanding? Understanding whom to keep at bay .. at arms length ...  whom are true brothers .. and others whome are .... false?
You know... sometimes.... there is something to be said about the MC world.  For many .. most .. they have a true hardcore brotherhood.  Me, in some ways I look for that.  Crave it.   Pursue it.  Create it where I am.  At the same time at this point in my life, I'm too old to pursue some of that BS.  And for the 1%'ers , that's not my lifestyle.  At some point, that doesn't mesh with a successful, lawful life in my world.  But damned I envy that camaraderie.  That loyalty.  That hardcore brotherhood.  Still, with a few .. I have it.  But .. just a few.

Daughter bought me the book shown below for my B'Day and I devoured it in a couple of days. Found myself immersed in it, living vicariously through some of them crazy fuckers.   Man .. .what could have been?  Or ... not.   Not sure I ever could have immersed myself 100% into that world .   Lets just call it ... a good book? 

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