Patch Whore!

 Why "those" patches?

We all wear a cut.. I mean um .. vest...  with our Backpatch.  Some of a few others .. road name, chapter identifier ..  some have a borderline quilt of patches and pins.  We pick/choose those patches, or lack of, for our own personal reasons.

Me ..  mine is pretty straightforward.  The obvious ones... with a few military ones that show my branch of service, rank, area deployed.  Then the Nationals, Regional and State patches with years attended.  Interestingly, not all State meetings provide patches (ex Louisiana).  Found that out when I attended then asked and got a deer in the head lights look .. lol.  Then for me, I have other things that matter to me ...  American Legion Lifer, VFW Lifer and NRA life member patches.  They'll probably be removed later on as I need more real estate but I'm proud of them ... and .. the newest editions..   DRP and LRRP patches.

Got to admit, I've got highly personal reasons for wearing these.  Simples ones.  I'm a believer most folks on 2 wheels (yeah yeah.. 3 too), don't really ride.  You know...  300 .. 500+ mile days.  They don't ride often. It's a running joke in the motorcycle community as a whole.  The DRP patch has been taking on momentum within the CVMA as many learn about it..  at least in our chapter.  It actually started via a TX Chapter I believe.  I'm on my fifth rocker in less than 4 years.  Hell, feels like I should have done more miles.  The really interesting one is LRRP. Prior to mine last year, only Goose and Sassy Pants had one in the Chapter (FTM). And that was earned prior to transferring in. That's it.   I just got my fourth tab for that one (Two in '21, two in '22 so far) and should have the fifth by the end of the month (tri state), which qualifies as a new grand slam tab, replacing the 3 with one.  Now.. why does this matter?  To me, it simply separates one from the herd.  That's it, at least to me.   Shows that one actually rides that bike.  Shows that one gets out to other CVMA Chapters/Events around the state / country.  MOST do NOT do this . just look around for proof on them vests.  Now, go to a Nationals and you see some interesting things.. .folks that have a dozen PLUS rockers below their National Patches.... hell, I've only been to two. Some of these folks have NEVER missed a Nationals... have to admit.. that's impressive. Now, I doubt they rode to them all, but that's not a requirement.  If they did, even MORE impressive?

So .. am I patch whore?  Nope ...   I pick and choose.  But I am extremely proud of each and every one that finds it's way onto my cut .. I mean .... ummm.. .... Vest.

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