Back in '21 I got mine .. wrote about it HERE

Back in '22, Lucy got hers, wrote about it HERE

On the forum, as it usually is every few years, it's a hot topic.  Dozens and Dozens of pages.  Hundreds of comments...  Pretty interesting actually.

Back in January, requested folks to pay their National Dues as soon as possible, but by end of Feb, we only had 1/2 do it. I've brought it up in monthly meetings.  By end of March, we made headway.  I've sent out multiple reminders.. but damned if we still don't have a few that .. just ignore it.  Come June, should get interesting.

Today I read "For those members who have not paid your national dues yet. You have approximately 54 days to pay them. The deadline is 11:59PM 30 June. Don't miss the deadline. If you need help please reach out to your CEB members for assistance "

At this point, I'm sitting back and watching.  I'll send out one more reminder via Cell phone texts .. I've sent out emails and posted on GIO.  

Now.. the point of this post.   What is the Value of Life Membership?  For me initially it was simply two things.  First, validated I was serious about my tenure with the Association.  Secondly, didn't have to deal with the annual "Pay your dues!"  All that goes away. Now, one simply remains in Good Standing and all is fine.  Lucy, same reasons. 

But....   what a shit storm occurs on this subject!   Should it be something that takes 5, 10, or 20 years to achieve?  Should one have to do more than just a single Nationals?  Why not two or three?  Why not more sanctioned events?  We're talking PAGES of discussion.  Organizations such as VFW , AMVETS and The Legion don't required you meet any of that.  Pay up, and you're good.  In the big picture, most organizations simply want the plus up of funds.  But .. it's a valid point.

Me, I'd assume minimum FIVE Years.   Maybe a Nationals for 3 of those 5.  Multiple Sanctioned events.   Make it something worth 'achieving.'   For me, oh well.  I've achieved all that and more.  Like I said, I got my Life Membership because I'm "all in" to start with.   I don't think it'll ever get changed.  So many pieces to the pie on this one and you'd have to get the majority of membership to agree.  So, I'd bet money it'll remain as is.

Still.. the human nature part of it all?  Just pay the fucking $20 in Jan, pay the chapter dues and press one..... Geeezus.   Speaking of Chapter Dues...   chapter I belong with needs a Lifetime option  ... that's on my todo list ;)

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Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...