Jumping Ship

 Damned.. saw another one jump ship.... throw in the patch.

Got a phone call from them telling me.. explaining their side. The Situation.   Hell, got an 'invite.' .  But ... nogo  .. sorry .. .I'm fat dumb and happy.

Is everything perfect in my lil' world?  No.   Am I happy?  Yes.  Am I going anywhere soon?  No.  I can honestly say ... 'never.'.  

I've written about some of this before.  The Human Psychology angle of it all.  Why do people do what they do.  Why do they join certain groups that .. incidentally ... have a a patch on the back of a vest. Why do they assume certain positions within a group?  What's that motivation all about? Why do they bail?

I officially resigned from the IIRA but that was only because I was moving into a staff position with the CVMA.  Didn't want any perceived conflicts.  But, I still have the vest in my man cave. I'm proud to have worn it. Still have the same friends I rode with.   Hell, that association has really 'slowed' down actively anyways.  But, I didn't walk from it in a butt hurt fashion.  Flipping it fingers.  Had nothing but good times.  The CVMA is my new home ... my new family (okay.. not new anymore).  I'm having a great time.   Never thought I'd be in my current position, but ... loving it.  I have no intentions of giving that up much less the patch.  Hell, I'm starting to think of ....  what's the next step?    We had an open position above my pay grade recently that had me 'thinking.'.  Crazy part is ...  a year ago, I'd been like 'oh fuck no.'.  Now.... well, I surprise myself.

Still, I wrote about something a few years back.  Why throw in the patch?  Hell, pony up $20 a year, show up at a meeting once a year.... until one get's their mojo back. Their head back into the game.  Something.

I don't get it........



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