CVMA .. where's the info?


Just about every day ... via social media, the Forum, you name it.... you hear/see, where is this Chapter?  What Chapter is closest to blah blah blah.  I don't get it.  It's all out there for our members to see.  First of all .....   EVERYONE/ANYONE can see where we are....  If one goes to the National Web Page and click on, they are at the core of 'all' our info.  One doesn't have to login to see this.

National Page
If one looks down at the CHAPTERS button on the bottom left of the screen CHAPTERS button on the bottom left of the screen, it will take them to a page that pretty much shows EVERY Chapter and Detachment, to include a Web Site (if there is one) and the Chapter/Detachment Commander's POC.   Now ....  think about this.   If you are headed to Vegas and want to hang out with the CVMA .... click here and follow through with the info provided.  Headed to New Orleans and want to hang out?  Same thing?  Moving to bumfuck Kansas and wonder if there is a chapter nearby?  CLICK HERE!CLICK HERE!    .... Or , just be like the majority whom either get on social media or the Forum and ask 5000 members if they know anyone out in the middle of the country in some small Chapter .. since... they are driving through next week.   Get the picture?


Now, here is the real kicker to me.   There is a small percentage of folks that have no grasp how to pay their national dues.   On that same page, AFTER they log in there is a tab labeled Administration.  Within that, 201 File.  Go to that and click on DUES OPTION on the upper right.  I'm not going to do any specific directions or screenshots, since that is an area that is secured for members only.  
Worst case, go to a meeting and ask a member of the CEB if they will log into your 201 and pay it via their PayPal  account and hand them a $20 bill.  Done.  Finished.  That's it.   Another year behind you of no BS

Now ... the real info is on the FORUM.  When you are logged into the National Page, look next to Administration and you see ' FORUM'.  There is a HUGE wealth of info that goes back many years in here.  A true archive.  Yet, most people never log in. I know this for a fact since I can look at my own chapter and see less than 20% are active at all on it.  Usually only 10% get it on it often.   Sort of sad in a way ... all that info ..... minimal activity.

That 201 file that one had to open to pay their National Dues.  Most barely even review it.  This is where ALL our important data is logged!   I won't go into specifics but ... look at the Notes.  Look at the Sanctioned Events.  Other Events.  Is everything there that you've attended.  Does everything look correct?  This shit can bite you if you decide to put in for Life Membership and a sanctioned event hasn't been logged.  We've got a six-month window to correct that for it to be valid on the Life Member application.  Yet, every year I hear someone say .. they don't have a login.  Forgot their login.  Haven't checked their 201 since last year (I guess when they paid their dues?).

This stuff isn't rocket science... or WTF...   Just go on FB and ask all these questions.  There's always someone that will answer. Hopefully, with the correct answer.

1 comment:

  1. Well... CRAP .. as I type this ... the Java Script part of this is broke .. "Oops! Something went wrong.
    This page didn't load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details." Hopefully gets fixed sooner than later


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Groups IO | GIO

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