Respect the Cut

I've got a pet peeve. One that bugs the shit out of me.  I've been aware of it over the years, but it's really coming to a head with me, thanks to the BS I got caught up in last year of my own doing.   The Cut (I mean .. the vest).  Some take it serious, most don't.  I mean, many have random patches all over it.  Some treat it like a uniform.  Some prefer a minimalist look.  Some chapters go for a specific layout. Me, it shows who I am.  Every patch on there is sewn on with a 'purpose'; significance.  I'm aware of the importance of that patch and what it stands for.  Out of respect for it, I don't put anything above it.  And of course, no Rocker below it for obvious reasons.   But what really bugs me ... is when folks cage somewhere, then pull it out and put it on, well ... it drives me batshit for some reason.   I remember back in '18 I saw a Life Member with a black Dickey shirt (I think of them as a 'shop shirt').  It had his name and chapter on the front  and a few other things to show all what he belonged to. It was a hot day and he was in shorts, but looked professional.  I knew right there and then I was going to come up with a solution.  

I soon realized he'd got it from the National Store, so I got one.  Then, they came out with additional colors, so I got some. More styles, so I got some.  Few polo shirts with the logo; yep.. got some.  Then throw in the array of tee shirts, short and long sleeved (ant tanks) with soft colors and you realize their is zero excuse to wear the vest in a way that ...   disrespects it.  Yet, I see folks at events State wide, Regionally and Nationally that do just this.  Hey .. I'm just one guy among tens of thousands, so  ... what can I do.  I can look out for myself and my spouse and do it right.   So, when I saw this on social media yesterday, I just had to chime in.

"To all XX members,

Just a reminder that when caging to an event it is preferred that you put it on when you arrive at your destination.  The patch you wear is to be displayed with pride, sitting it against your car seat covers up your colors and is a sign of disrespect.  The proper way is to lay them on an empty seat with the colors facing up.  Respect the patch you wear so others will too.
 Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. "

I replied "I've never understood bringing a vest when caging....just me I guess

He responded with " in my opinion that is what soft colors( t-shirts,long sleeve shirts) are for."

EXACTLY.  Someone that gets it!  I've also spoke to a regional rep that I know, whom said something similar.  So, I'm not alone.  But damned if it doesn't drive me nutz a lil.  Yesterday, rode out to a chapter event with multiple states attending and saw a few old friends... few fellow chapter members, dozens and dozens of others.  Our newest member that xferrred in was wearing a 'shop shirt' since they'd caged in due to weather.  Looking sharp, along with his family in tow.   All but a few of the other hundred others were in vests. BUT, I soon realized a lot of folks had caged due to weather, or were with RVs in tow so no bike.... (ie .. caged).  But .. they were wearing vests, looking the part.   Kept my opinion to myself, but was remembering the above conversation from literally, the day before.

Many ... too many .... don't show the colors ... the patch .. the cut, the true respect it deserves. But in all fairness, as a whole the direction officially is.... it's not a cut.  It's not 'colors'.   So, how do you hold someone ... all....  accountable for a "vest with a patch on the back?" 

Just thinking .. out loud.


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