23-26 LA / AR / OK get together

I can't shake a certain feeling.   Chapter 23-26 was 'born" from 23-11.  Wouldn't one assume we would be a major supporter of this event?  Last year we had something like 15 or so folks roll in.  This year, was fucking crickets.   Pisses me off.  When Dutch and I rolled in, Viking, Trouble and their daughter welcomed us.   BUT..they are new XFERs to our Chapter; where was eveyone else?  On an addetional positive note, Cheng was inside doing is due diligence.  Big T was on board doing his thing with our NFG Barry Cox whom is about to patch in.. but.. that's it. WTF?  Anybody doing the math here?  Folks.. this shit pisses me off.... okay .. I got it off my chest.

 The event was mentioned via GIO, but it's basally "crickets."   The night before I'm thinking Dutch, myself, Boudreaux and Chief are rolling. Big T is caging and I remember something about Boot's attending Friday evening. Viking mentions weather so may have to cage. With dozens and dozens and dozens of foks in 23-11.. .that's it.  Whatever.   When the sun comes up, Boudreaux and Chief had to canx due to health reasons, so that leaves myself and Dutch to ride in.

So,  0900ish I'm rolling to Lone Oak where I meet up with Dutch topping off tanks.  Then, the two of us take off the long way north of Sulphur Springs find two lanes the 'twisties.'  So about 125 miles become 2.5 hours  and it's worth it.  Nothing but two lanes of awesomeness.. I'll  do this again in a second.  However, half way in, mother nature is threating us with rain and .... we're a lil nervous. As it turns out, we'll get 30 min of misting, but nothing that forces us to don our rain gear!  So, about 2.5 hours later, we pull into 67 Landing, dry!  Chilly .. but dry.  It's been upper 50's the whole time and with the moisture in the air... ... we takes a hit.  But.. 'dry'!

Pull in and we've got a lot of folks already here; many came in Friday for bike night at the HD dealer.   Drop $10 and headed inside with a wrist band.  Live music is playing, auction items are off on the side as a teaser and .... find Big T and Cheng over by the center bar down stairs.  Dutch soon shows up with a burger .. but .. it's not calling my name. So head upstairs where they are serving 'brunch' so ... grab a late breakfast ... and ... Bloody Mary.  Eventually, head out and run into Gus (Marty Gustason).  I knew he was CVMA but it's the first time we've seen each other with our cuts on...  Spend some time catching up and head back downstairs.  Meet up with CrayOn, meet some new folks and.....about 1/2 through the auction Dutch and I are looking at the time thinking....   we're losing daylight and we have 2+ hour ride home.  So, we sneak off and soon on two wheels headed home.  It's now upper 60s, and sunshine; bam!  We take a different route this time mainly on 11 to 19 staying off the Interstate.  It's as nice a ride/road as the one earlier in the day, except that damned sun is in our eyes for about an hour.


While rolling through Pittsburg, they have the downtown area blocked off for a Hot Link Festival, and we soon pass a Crawfish Food truck and ... hit the brakes.  Park the bikes, head over for a quick bite. These things are HUGE and .... seasoning is perfect.   Twenty or so minutes later, back on the bikes and rolling; Score!

By the time I roll in it's about 2030 hrs, so makes for an eleven hour day and about 275 miles of two lanes.  I'm beat but was sooooooo worth it.  Until next year.  Hopefully I'll go for the whole weekend next time; just need a kitchen pass

We're here!


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Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Groups IO | GIO

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