The Great Reset....

 I wrote about this .. in code ...  few months back.

I've been riding for over forty years.   Been hard core now for about the last 14 years.  Been involved in several groups along the way, going 'all in' with a couple.  But now.... just have a different view.... viewpoint.   I don't like the view that I have.   Maybe as time goes on, my thoughts will change.  Probably will.  But, just left a bad taste in my mouth.

Now the problem is ... and I'm wrestling with this... am I right .. or am I wrong?   I don't see an issue.  I believe I acted correctly.  Most see my view as the correct one. Many see it as 'comical.'  Few see it as I was wrong.  At least one of those, I respect their opinion and understand their point as to why I'm wrong in their opinion, from their perspective.  

I've told many over the years I don't see everything 'black or white'.  I pride myself on working through the 'gray' areas.  Always have.  I see this as one of those.  But, 'is what it is'.  Sadly, it's 'reset' my thoughts.. my feelings ... as of now.  

I refuse to walk away.  I've wrote about the one.  Seen others throw in their patch and I laughed at them.  Ridiculed them.  Lost respect for them.  I've become aware of a dozen or so folks that have done just this last month.  I don't agree with their reasoning.  Apparently they aren't 'happy' with the way things worked out for them.  Hell, I'm not happy with my situation but you don't see me throwing in my cut and searching for a safe place. Those that walked, left...Lil Bitches' is what I'm thinking of them as I type this.  All of them. See ya' .............

Me .... my brain has reset.   I'll take things slowly.  Be a lil' more picky whom I let into my circles.  A lil more picky of whom I call family ... . brother.... sister.   I'm sure a year from now this will all be a distant memory ... or not.   I honestly hate this feeling.   I'm not a narcissist whom does no wrong.  Hell, I admitted I was wrong.  I simply don't believe the 'time' fit the 'crime'.  Simple as that.

Moving forward, I'll just do things 'my way', within the 'law.'  But ... I miss the 'old days'.  The way I felt .... before the 'reset.'

1 comment:

  1. Got a lot of hits on this today ... sort of surprised me. Guessing the Title got some search hits, and had folks scratching their heads about WTF I was talking about... lol


Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...