Let's ........ RIDE!!!!

 Became aware of a situation yesterday that sort of makes my 'head hurt.'  Reminds me of 2018 time frame, when the leader of our pack got called out for basically, not wearing jeans with his Cut .. I mean .. vest.   Apparently he was disgracing the whole organization by the shorts he was wearing out at a hardcore motorcycle Rally.  I remember when the witch hunt was in full force and the burning at the stake was in process .. thinking ...  what a bunch of pussys whining.  Honestly .. that's what I was thinking.   He and his hard core close circle are actually what made me like joining up.  Not everyone liked it of course.  Go out and this small circle were getting fired up, pounding beers, and getting loud.  Sound like anyone you know?  Then the old geezer section was filled with all the old mature guys looking well. ... miserable.   But hey .. at least they had their jeans on?  Soon, the witch hunt was complete, we had a change of the guard and the 'shamed' individual took a back seat for awhile.  Eventually the others in his circle moved on, threw in their .... um .. vests.

Spoke to someone yesterday who whom is still a "newbie" (less than a year in the mix) but ready to throw in his ...... vest. Barely been with us six months, I'd never really met him before, spent quality time with ... but he was watching all the drama and BS and wondering WTF he'd signed up for.   Ready to walk. Hell, reminds of the BS and sort of how I felt back in '18.  Well, without crossing borders put in place for me, I gave him my motivational speech and stopped short of begging him, to reconsider.  Simply asked "Stay for awhile and see if things change (they will). "  We've unloaded the trash in the last month, the trouble people have been reduced to just a tiny few and the rest of us ... well, we can Ride.   That's all he wanted to do.  Wants to do. Hell, mainly what I want to do. But it is rarely done as a group; a large group.  But myself and a few others have been trying to do just that. For as long as I've been in the mix.   So, I'm remotivated to continue on what I'd started last year.  Put together more rides.  More group rides.  More two lane roads. Maybe an overnighter or two.  Get people out doing what we're supposed to do on motorcycles.  And along the way, if we have the opportunity to help a fellow compadre' that served with us...   good news.  But my primary focus for 2023?  


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Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Groups IO | GIO

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