
 This one's been eating at me for awhile.  Now here it is 0300 hrs, I'm up too early ... and ...  my fingers found the keyboard while this was in the far back reaches of my brain.  As usual, something stirs up the thoughts and then I find myself posting about it.  My Blog my opinion.  Other's opinions ... ?  Hey, use the comments section?

Over the last several decades have found myself in various groups .... usually each group has a brotherhood of sorts. Usually a common uniform or  specialized groups, brings about a level of comradery.  A brotherhood of sorts usually occurs among many/most.  Most of us have hobbies/interests that bring them together with others.  For me the last few decades most of that is based around two wheels; motorcycles.  When one joins a club or association, we often find ourselves in a tight knit community, a brotherhood.  I guess it's just human nature.   I've stated my entire adult life I have various 'circles of friends.'   But I don't mean separate circles per say ... but more like overlapping circles.  There's the inner circle that usually consists of a small number of close friends I can count on one hand.  Sadly over time some move out of that circle, others move in.  But there is still a constant of a few there that ... are always there.   Second circle might be those we call good friends.  Third circle might be friends we see once in a great while. The final/fourth circle maybe...acquaintances.  Some folks can move / slide in and out of those circles for me mentally.... it's just life.  It works for me.   

One could take that same view of say ... a group they belong to.  For that example, I'll use the CVMA.  Once we don that back patch, for me everyone .. all members move into that 4th circle. Folks you see around at different events, into the third. Most folks in one's chapter immediately into the 2nd circle for the most part, but a few drift back into the third circle.  In a perfect world, many/most would find themselves in that first circle but ... that ain't life.  That ain't reality.  Peoples personalities, beliefs, personal agendas may all differ.  Hell, we may all have joined for various reasons that don't coincide.  Some have higher needs than others and that may be why they joined. Some may simply miss the old military days and this is their main fulfillment.  We are all different.  But we all share a common bond and that Patch is part of the glue that keeps it together.

But that's just 'circle's' ... and ... I use that just for an example.   But what about .. BROTHERHOOD?  It's an overused term.  Hell, just using BROTHER towards another member is sometimes overused.  Some guys take offense to you calling them Brother if they don't consider you one.  Wearing the same patch may not meet their guidelines.  It means MUCH more to them that just that.  And, I agree.  Hell, I use the term loosely, but ....  a true Brother... that's a deep one.  My 'problem' at the surface is I've seen the term misused.  I've seen folks wearing the 'patch' prove they aren't worthy of it, so I can't just assume anyone and everyone wearing the same Patch as I meets my criteria of "brother" out the gate.  I mean, I've seen folks walk away from the brotherhood after spouting over and over they love their brothers and sisters time and time again.  Have Ink on their body stating all this.  With the association's symbolism inked all over them.  Then one day .. they walk.  Turn in the patch.  Few decided they had other things in life that were more important.  Some had deep character issues (so much for the vetting process?).  Some decided they just didn't want to ride anymore (what?  Blasphemy!).   Seeing all this has made me a lil ...  cautious lets say.  Point being, just because someone wears the same vest as myself doesn't mean we are automatically new best friends.  Doesn't mean we'll even get along?  Well, what does it mean .. hmmmm

Means I'll embrace them as a fellow member.  A Brother in the words loosest sense.  I'll open up to see what we have in common.  I'll potentially do what we should do if they need help. I'll give it a chance I guess.  But what it doesn't mean is I'll automatically give up a bed in my home blindly.  Doesn't mean I'll open up my checkbook and hand over funds because they ask. It's not a free pass, but it is a ticket to get into my world ... ..  that fourth circle, and that fourth circle can lead to my third... my second... or .. the ultimate.. my first circle.

Of course I still haven't discussed Brotherhood.  I guess to me it's that common bond we all have with a common goal. That umbrella of overall trust we share among ourselves.  The belief that others will be there for you if you need them, really need them?  That's the unicorn version I guess.  Probably what most think.

But will they help you dispose of the body?  Will they pick up arms to fight beside you if necessary?  Hell, even simpler will they back you up in a brawl to even the odds?  Will they dip into their finances to help you if you really need it?  We could go on and on .....  not everyone fit's the bill, right? So where do we draw the 'lines' for the minimum standards for  ... Brotherhood?    I'm overthinking all this of course.  But ..... like I said .. it's on my mind.  The subject has come up numerous times the last several months and I can't help but think about it all.   I've seen folks wander from my first circle quickly into the third / fourth and we called each other Brothers not too long ago and meant it.  I've seen folks take off the patch and walk without saying shit to me after I handed them a lot of financial aid because they were my Brother. I see folks currently using that Brother word but talking shit behind sarcastic humorous (to them) digs and hiding behind it all.    So yes, I think about all this.  I'm a notch more cautious that I used to be. But in the big picture, I'm still a believer.  I believe in the 'greater good' I guess that the vast majority do what they do for the right reasons. I believe most of us have good character.  I believe most are my "Brother" in the broadest sense.  It's an amazing feeling to know that upwards of 20,000 folks wear the same Cut (okay .. vest) with that backpatch and they would have  your back if needed as would I for them.   I believe in that; one has to have that faith.   Every day that goes by, I meet good people in those ranks.  Folks that I'm proud to call a Brother.   That alone keeps one moving forward with it all.   Now someone about right now has to be thinking... wait a minute... so then .. WTF was all that other BS about?   Hey ... we're not all perfect.  I'm not Blind.  I'll call it out when I see it.  Maybe .. I'll call it out here on this blog .. buried in a myriad of various posts?   LOL  I sure as fuck ain't going to call out shit in public without all my ducks lined up. Hell, hope I never have to do that.   I think it's time for another cup of Java .....   it's almost 0400 hrs.


broth·​er·​hood | \ ˈbrə-t͟hər-ˌhu̇d  \

Definition of brotherhood

1the quality or state of being brothers
3an association (such as a labor union or monastic society) for a particular purpose
4the whole body of persons engaged in a business or profession


friendship unlike any other, built out of respect and love, will always have eachothers backs.
Ex. Movies - Carlitos way (although not too good, perfect example) and Boondock Saints, brothers, but complete love and devotion. It is not a good idea to mess with a strong Brotherhood.

A group of close friends that will do anything for each other no matter what time of day or night it is and no matter how long it is since they've seen each other.
Al, Jase, Ben, Paul, Rob, Daz and Chen call themselves "The Brotherhood", or "Hood" for short.
"All for one and one for all,
mess with The Hood and you're bound to fall"

The difference between Brothers and Friends.

-A friend will try and talk you out of a fight, where a brother will talk shit right with you, no matter who is right or wrong.
-Friends can get into unfair fights with other people, where there is no fair/unfair with brothers, you all fight or none fight.
-A friend will loan you money for your #4 with fries and a coke, where your Brother will pay for it without offering, or expecting anything in return.
-Friends have each other in their contact list, brothers have each other in their emergency contacts.
- Friends chill together, Brothers grow together.
-Brotherhood is a bond in blood, friendship is just a word.

The epitome of good will and faith. As humans we are not defined by our faults or sins, but by the capacity for love that we have for one another. When one is within the Brotherhood, one abides by the law of the word. We all raise our fist when we hear the call. We are all equalized under this truth, and the supremacy of the call's benediction binds us.



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