RIdes with LOTS of Bikes

 Find myself looking at a few pictures of a couple of rides that have a LOT of bikes in the mix.  At first glance looks somewhat awesome.  Then .... you notice things.  Remember situations.  Shake your head and say 'oh fuck no'.

I've done way too many rides with hundreds and hundreds of bikes.  In the moment it has a cool factor. Then... the group takes off and the bullshit begins.  

Almost always...  the clown leading the mess has no grasp what is going on behind them.  They accelerate too quick out the gate and now ... EVERONE in the rear is grabbing throttle to catch up.  Come to a stop, pull out with traffic coming...   yeah, that works well. Rarely do I see someone do all this correct.  Hell, I have to remind myself to keep it in check when leading a dozen or two dozen bikes.

Spacing.  Seems like there is always somebody behind you lagging.  Then those behind them are pissed.  I used to get pissed.  Now, when the clown in front of me is lagging ... I just go around them and take their spot or pick up the slack.  Honestly drives me batshit.  If you can't sync with the group, don't ride with them.

Trikes.  Simple as this.  Trikes go to the rear.  Not in the front.  Not in the middle.  In the rear.  No discussion.  That goes for Spyders as well.  You bought it, now get to the rear off the pack.  This is where folks always seem to get butt hurt. Brought a Sling Shot?  Ummm.. they are not a motorcycle.  I get the whole thing... but guess what.  WAY in the back after the Trikes.

Stops.  Now, my real pet peeve.  You pull up to a joint for fuel, food or a piss.  If you've got 2 dozen bikes... yeah that's fun.  Shitty service, wait at the pumps.... not enough holes in the johns.  NOW... imagine pulling up with 100 ..  200 bikes.  Complete fucking chaos.  Parking lot full of bikes looks cool.  The line in and out look cool on the road.  But  have fun parking that shit.  Want a beer?  Yeah .. that's fun. Everyone want's a burger?  You're fucked.   I try to bring a cooler of ..... stuff... for these BS days.

Yep .. reminds me why I despise bigger rides.  NOW .. I have been on a few where everyone has their shit together on the ride. Where the location you are stopping in prepared and ready.  And that folks, is RARE.  So ...  I prefer .. to just say NO.  Now a twist is .. poker runs.  You know first bike out, and last bike out a few hours later?  That way at each stop people are coming and going.  Historically, has worked pretty good for me. I was on one last week .. worked okay. Hell, I'm on another one this weekend.  Hopefully it goes smooth as silk (yeah .. like that'll happen)..   but hey .. gives me shit to blog about, if it doesn't? :)

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Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...