11th Annual Bug Run

Been planning this one for awhile.  I chose it simply because I needed a third out of state event.  That being said, SO GLAD I WENT!   Overall a great event put on by 10-1 in Oklahoma City.  Chief and I would head up Saturday morning for about 230 miles on 2 lanes, in the friggn hot temps of August.  By the time we roll in around 1430 hrs, we're up to 100 deg.  Still, wasn't too bad.   Check in to the Grand Palace Casino, quick freshen up, change the shirt and we're headed to the Start Point; American Legion.

Get swiped in, register for the ride and we're grabbing some cold beers.  Cool part of this trip would be that Scalper lives nearby and is also attending. We've crossed paths the last nine years, but never had time to truly get to know each other better until this trip.  Great guy and looking forward to some future visits back up there.  Well, since Scalper is local he's leading the ride.  We'll hit several spots on the outskirts of the City and find our way back at the Casino.  Chief and I are now free to have some whiskey and cool off, take that vest up to the room to get some breathing room so to speak, and ..... off to the Grand Ball room for the final event.  

Local Chapter did a great job putting this whole thing on.  From where I sat, it went flawless.  Any bumps weren't obvious.  They've got tables of baskets for giving away, lots of items for bidding on, and by midnight, give away a gun and an Indian Scout bike.   Nice!  The local Indian Dealership was involved and a LOT of Indian Riders are also in attendance.

I'd really like to know how much they raised over this nine hour event.  Can't help but think it had to be in excess of $20k.  I'm always looking for an idea to cookie cutter for our own chapter.  Hell, I still need to reach back to 7-3 to see how there's played out earlier this month as well.   

Well, Sunday, out the door at 0900 headed home.  Grab Hwy 177 and head due south eventually getting back on Hwy 69 and home around four hours later.   Temps are about 95, Lucy is on the front porch waiting for me when I roll up, grab an ice cold beverage for some porch sitting while I decompress and ....  another weekend on two wheels in the books!

Great Raffle options

Scalper and I

Ride done .. and .. thirsty!

Stop #2 on the run

Sixty miles out Sat morning

Rolling out Sat morning

Almost Home... Audie Murphy required Stop!

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