Senor' Rebels

Man .... when did that fun begin?   Hhmmmmmmmmm

Well, 2 or 3 years ago, Swamprat and Dutch were going to breakfast at Glenda's Cafe in Greenville since Swamprat had a VA appointment in town; I was asked if I wanted to join them. Turns out both Dutch and I rode in vs caged.  Had a blast and then..... it grew.   Lucy joined us on one of them. Chief joined us on one of them.  I don't remember whom else snuck in over time. Since then upwards of ten folks will show at different times. Still, it was usually a limited turnout because we usually went during the week for breakfast or lunch.  But, something about riding during the week when it's just .. 'quieter' out there. Now the kicker is....

Because of our DRP program, you had to post these on GIO to get mileage credit. Problem is, most can't attend since it's during the week.  And for those that could, only a few would show up.  So it just became a thing.  Got to admit, I was starting to enjoy these.  Made me think of when folks after retirement always meet up every morning for coffee... maybe some breakfast.... read the paper .. sit on the porch.  You get the visual.   But again, one had to publicize it you wanted DRP credit for the rides since we were wearing cuts and riding.  All was fine until .....  one guy chimed in about us all being old seniors .... and never including anyone else on the rides.  Well, all were always welcome to join us.  Now personally, myself and a few others took offense to the negative jab with the 'senior' and 'old' comment. Some folks say shit behinds a smokescreen and .. we all felt this was one of those moments. Well, one of our guys basically said something to the effect of "make up your own ride on the weekend."  Next thing you know it escalates and he's the bad guy. I was thinking the same thing, he just beat me to the punch line.  OMG ...  now ... shit went sideways. Still, we did a few rides on weekends and still .. not a big turnout. Rarely has been over the last six years.  And to be honest, some weekends we had other plans other than being on 2 wheels.  I could probably find it all if I dug deep but that's the gist of it.  Shit got stupid and a couple of folks were obviously butt hurt.  But apparently one can say whatever crap they want, MF whoever they want,  as long as one puts an emoji behind it laughing.  All in humor, right?  At least, that's the way it all ended.  Huh.

Well, life goes on.   So to calm any whiners down, we talked about future rides, routes and destination discussions via a different medium, and when decisions were made, posted them for all to join in if they wanted.  Kept the majority whom couldn't and/or wouldn't join us from seeing a dozen posts needlessly and created more issues.   Along the way a few jokes were made about the whole blow up ....  then we made jokes that we were an Old man breakfast club, things along that line.  Senior this and Senior that.  Then ... somewhere along the way someone made a joke with "Seno'r Rebels" as our label ..... and .... the rest is history.   Nothing changed but ....  one of the Mon-Fri gang made some patches.  Funny Shit.  Another guy made some hats .. Funny Shit.  We've given them out to folks in other chapters as a sign of Respect.  To others that joined us during the week.  All in fun.  No emojis needed!

Funny part is ... it's almost dead in the water as I type this.  But, riding season is upon us and I'm feeling hungry ....  sure once we get back from Nationals, we'll pick it back up.   Senor Rebels ride again!   SMH


  1. Love it. I have to post my next VA appointment soon. It’s almost that time of the year. 😂


Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...