Remember the M!

Saw something to this effect on the Forum....   

"Remember the 'M’ because so many seem to have forgotten that we are not the Combat Veterans Association, we are the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association®"

Posted it on Social Media and got a few comments. One of our members has made this patch out there 

"Only 1 man has them and I’m not him."

Brilliant.  I've seen some discussions where folks have to remind me that we ARE a MOTORCYCLE Association.  If it wasn't about the riding to me, I'd spend all my time at the VFW and/or American Legion. 

Asked about the patch, but one dude owns them and hands them out to those that he feels represents the words. Mutt chimed in with "The fella that had them made 100% believes in the 'M' as part of our name. Don't try to befuddle him with 'excuses', although he is a good Brother, for those that don't ride, he won't buy the bullshit! LOL Get out and ride! Leave your excuses at home!"  Now I want one.  But, I need to change it up. Make it my own.  I may copy the crap out of it, with different artwork?   hmmmmmmmm....   maybe ;)

I dig it

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Groups IO | GIO

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