Grand Slam 2024

 Crap... I'm at risk.  Pisses me off.  Been a crazy first five months...

Inner state .. no brainer.  ..Shy 100 miles as I type this.

FTM.  Few more weeks. Headed to MN to knock it out.  If going North route doesn't work out.. always South.  Weather has been CRAZY!!!!!!   Not sure as I type this if I'm traveling alone... or ... with 2 or 3 others

Tri-State.  Okay.. I'm worried... had hoped to have 2/3 in the bag by now... but... ZERO.  FUCK!..  Got a plan.. but.. I don't like cutting it close

GRAND SLAM is the point.....   js


  1. FTM awarded. Another 100 miles for Inner state. This weekend, #2/3 with Chapter 7-3!

  2. 2 down, Oklahoma is next.........

  3. ACCOMPLISHED are prerequisites. Paperwork turned in ... now.. sitting here smiling , and waiting ..


Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...