Meeting .. .with a twist

 Well, I was planning to head to Ft Worth for their monthly meeting this past weekend, but I became aware of an event in The Hill Country was this past weekend, and then realized 23-3 Alamo Chapter just an hour aways, had their monthly meeting scheduled also.  Well, now I've got a quandary.  Checked with their CC to ensure all was legit as advertised, then decided to double down and head to San Antonio via 2 lanes and the Hill Country! But first ... had to secure a Kitchen Pass from mama (ruh roh) ........  in the middle of all this ran it by Chief, but....  he couldn't make it so it's a party of 1.  Not my first rodeo.

Krimson is Prepped and Ready!

Worst part is ... Thursday I have an 11:30 Dentist Appointment that I really need to be at... .F'.  Well, after lunch, Kitchen Pass in pocket,  I'm rolling south down Hwy 34.  Grab Hwy 77 in Paris and I'm parallel to the Interstate and making good time.  Eventually roll over to Hwy281 and I'm making a bee line for Marble Falls, then Fredericksburg and the weekend destination, Kerrville.   It's Thursday, my meeting is on Saturday, so lots of time to play.   

Awesome 350 miles...
put on sunscreen 3 times..would still end up fried

Arrived Thursday before dusk

Unpack, and look for a place to grab a bite.  Pick a mexican joint , grab a marg and food and hear "hey fat head."  Turn around and see Mike Kugler whom I haven't spoke to in about nine years. Eventually, I'm on the back patio with him and we catch up on everything. Head to hotel , BS with a few,  run into Carl and we're catching up.  The whole weekend will be like this. Funny thing is, this was a different one for me in many ways.  When the smoke clears, I won't have done the 3 Sisters this time around (wtf?). The Fandango Rally is going on in Fredericksburg so I head that way.   Then back to the hotel to grab some food via the 1901 Rally I'm attending, and then head out in the back pool area smoking cigars and sipping bourbon.  At some point I look down at my watch and thinking .. shit... its 2am!   Crappy nights sleep and I'm up at too early ....   java.. needed some java!

would be the spot!

After mtg cervezas

Well, meeting is at 1300 hrs, so I'm rolling down Hwy 16 around 1100 hrs and remembering how much I love this stretch of highway.  Nothing but curves and twisties.  Hardly any traffic so I'm pushing it a lil hard.  This new Challenger handles like a dream and I didn't scratch the pipes or anything else, not once.Soon I'm in Bandera where the traffic sucks, but 15 minutes later I'm hauling ass again few dozen miles from my destination.  The VFW meetup is in Helotes just outside the chaos of concrete so that was nice.  Pull up to a bunch of bikes, head in to grab a beer from VerĂ³nica, their cute bartender, shake some hands, see some familiar faces to include Bergie (he's a member of this chapter) and the meeting begins.  This is my second time here in two months which is sort of cool.  Their meeting style always impresses me. Hard to explain but I dig it. Learned a few tricks from Rachet ( their newer CC).  One thing that blew me away is the size of their chapter.  Less just say its almost 5 times the size of 23-11.  Holy Shit!  That'll put gray hair on a CC's head.  After a patch in and the usual stuff, we break off and back to the bar.  After a couple I find myself on the back patio with Cutter, Texas and Malpractice.   Talk about a mix of various personalities.   Loved it.  Well, before I head out, Texas Pete and Cutter want to ride back with me to Kerrville.. .hell yes!   We're soon hauling ass and Texas Pete gets introduced to this highway for the first time.  Hit Kerrville and I take us to Howdys that I'd become aware of by the Guadalupe River.  Great Food, Good Music, Awesome Service, Cold refreshments.  Score!   Afterwards, we break off and I'm back at the hotel. I thought that was going to be a quick run to San Antonio .. but.... 8 hours later.... lol  Well, find my friends, chat a lil, head up to change and .. .back to the pool area.   Living the Dream.   Told myself it wouldn't be a late night .. but...  crap .. 1am and I'm headed upstairs.  Got to leave in the morning!

Overslept, not sure what happened to the alarm.  Cracked an eye open at 0615, jumped up, cleaned up, and took everything down to pack up the bike.  Got it all stuffed in there and rolling.   I decided to opt for the speedy route home so, 281, to I14 to I35 and cruise set at 91.  Crazy part is ...   I've still got cages passing me!  Come up on traffic, grab some throttle, switch some lanes and lets just say ....   this bike in the triple digits handles like a dream.   

By noon, I'm pulling up at SWG and I beat the crew there for Sunday Funday.   I'm beat but it takes me a few hours to decompress.  I must have thanked mama 3 times for giving me that Kitchen Pass.   I'm already planning for next year.

Well, 905 glorious miles of good times ....    worth every second / dollar . 

One of the inside areas at Fandango Rally

Met up with the Man, the Myth!  Kiwi Mike

Always good seeing Mike

Kiwi built this beautiful Vindian

Yay!  Ran into Suzanne (and Jay)

Hwy 16 headed South

Dinner in Kerrville

Headed home with my new Noggin' protector

80-91 the whole way home

Post Ride refreshment

Jeff Baca / Rockstar Promoter

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Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...