Six in less than Six

Been in the CVMA with current  (and my only) chapter for 5.5 years .  Since then, we've had six Commanders; I'm the sixth.  Fucking whirlwind.  Lil drama over the years.  But I was riding around the other day when I thought about this lil fact.

I've said it before... I actually didn't really want to run for the position.  Half a dozen folks asked me to.  All I wanted to do is .. RIDE.  I knew it was the right thing to do .. but.. I wasn't running to wear the 'patch'.  Didn't run because I wanted a position of ...'power'.  Some have .. Not me.  The Title, all of it .. wasn't part of my decision making.

Now ...  my goal is to hold this position for 4 years total at least.  Hoping after the first two I'm not worn down with BS and we're still rocking, rolling and growing.  We ride MORE and MORE. Cross them fingers.


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Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...