My 'first' meeting...

 Well, that didn't go as expected. Crap.....................

First of all , I was prepared to standup and .. 'state my case'.  You know.. "why vote for me?" Yeah.. that' didn't happen.  Well, the meeting kicked off, and ... right off the bat... elections began.  SAA.... Treasurer.. and .. then.. Commander.   Wait ... I thought it would be AFTER the meeting.  Not to be.  Then it got a lil weirder.  Current Commander basically quickly asked for a vote via a show of hands and I was thinking "WTF?" .. but ... that was quickly shutdown. We were informed by the Secretary we were  voting by "SWIPE" .  After about twenty minutes, the results were announced, the change of the guard happened quickly ....and .. I suddenly found  myself at the head table.  FUCK.

Now.. understand.  I never wanted this out the gate.  I was asked by numerous people to step up to the plate.  I pushed back. They pushed back harder.  So, I reluctantly posted my Bio.  Not my first draft mind you. Lucy was like "WTF!?!?!?!" looking at the original.  Hey ....  I simply want to RIDE.  Have a good time!  Roll with the flow.. .whatever.  I joined the CVMA to ride with my fellow Vets.  My Brothers and Sisters I served with.  Okay ..... maybe she was right.  So .. I revamped it.. multiple times. LOTS of times.  When she wasn't looking , I uploaded it the latest iteration.  Whoops? :)    Done

Now.... I'm in the mix.  Still... I didn't want to be here. I travel a lot. I work a lot. My stress levels at work get .. ummm.... HIGH.  I don't need this shit.  But................deep down I know.... this is the right thing to do. The right time to do it. Suck it up Buttercup, get with the fucking program?  ...... whatever.

For several days, I've been practicing a lil 'speech' to give prior to the vote.  I'm on like the 100th' edited copy .. but...  finally .. still sounds like it's unpracticed.  I'm ready to go ... but.. Nooooooooooo..... bam.. we are suddenly voting. I have to admit, it's sort of weird.  The vibe in the room is .. well... really fucking good.  A few are actually under their breath making comments (in a positive manner).  I'm thinking "is this really happening?"  Again.. from the get go .. I didn't want this...

But....... now.  I do.  I want it.  I've truly come to believe in it all.  I'm fucking tired of the fucking drama the last several years and we need a change.  I tired of the fucking bullshit.. period.

One fucking year ago I went through 'hell' with my group. I don't agree with the way it went down. I still believe I was targeted by fucks that are no longer part of us.  Complete B.S. in the big fucking picture.... but.....

I've grown from it all. I've got a different perspective of the 'big picture.'. I see past much of what I thought was BS and now understand much of the constraints... the by-lays...   the rules. .. in place for the 'better good of the majority".  Whatever.. but.. you get the picture?

Now.... it's a new day.  A new Chapter. I'm ready to move forward to do things 'correctly'.  For the better good of the chapter.  You know , all that cliche shit?  But....... here's a lil secret. I'm not here for the power trip. For the 'position'.  For the .. fucking whatever .. I'm here for or Association.  For our Chapter.  I promise 'you'..... I'm here for the right reasons.   God help us All :)

Git R Done!


  1. Seven Months in .... I'm smiling. I take all this shit serious. I'm a diff' person. I love this Association more than ever. Lets' just say .. Life is Good!

  2. One year anniversary come and gone. Enjoying the good times...


Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...