October '19 Monthly Meeting


Master Mileage Chart

QUINLAN to Final Destination
33 min / 27 miles
KSU 1100

Plan is ... All converge in Quinlan at the SW corner of 276/34
KSU from Quinlan at 1100 to ensure we arrive in plenty of time .. and .. in case of slight delays

Campbell to Reames
15 min / 14 miles
KSU Approx 1015

Reames to Quinlan
10 min / 9 miles
KSU Approx 1035

Fate to Quinlan
26 min 19 miles
KSU Approx 1030

Emory (Godfather) to Quinlan
35 min / 30 miles
KSU approx 1015

Route Options

Texas State Meeting 2019

Texas State Meeting

Updated 19 Sep '19

Looking at the time frames below, this is the recommended depart times: 

Terrell to Temple,  150 miles / 3 hours (off Interstate, 2 lanes)

11:30 Depart/KSU from Buc-cee's in Terrell.

Me personally, leaving Reames Market ( 34 / 1564 ) 1030 Hrs   //  35 min , 28 miles. Arrive, P' break, fuel up, BS with folks arriving

  • 0900:  Vendors open  
  • 1500:  Hotel check in
  • 1600:  Aux Meet and Greet
  • 1700:  CVMA Party
  • 2100:  After Party



We’re a month out  …. God help us as we get closer!   As Buckeye said best.. bunch of ‘ Drunk Feral Cats!’

FRIDAY is the day we ride out as a Chapter.   Dutch suggested and I agree; main initial meet point for all will be Bu cee's in Terrell , KSU/meet time to be determined. We can figure out the short legs to get us to  Bu cee's later (ex. Group from Greenville rolling down Hwy 34, etc).

Good news is …  looks like we’ll have a good showing for the ride and State as a whole. 

Below is the context of an internal email send out 9 SEP 2019 to 23-11

Folks, looks like most (all?) are skipping Regionals this year.  State next month,  appears to be the big one for most to attend.

For the purpose of planning a Chapter/Group ride from East Texas to Temple, can you respond  if you are going AND riding? If so, what day are you departing?  I’m assuming Thursday will be the day for most of us, but …..  if it’s Friday, we’ll adjust!  Looks like a 4.5 hr, 225 ride, if we stay off the Interstate.  (*

A few are thinking . “wait?”  “ State?”  “Next Month?”   “Where?”    Just kidding (I hope!)

But … in case you want to review specifics, I’ve included a link to the web site as well as a quick consolidation of the events

Again , for those RIDING in please respond if you’re interested in a Group/Chapter ride there

10-13 October
Thursday, October 10
1200: Vendors and Open @Holiday Inn (host hotel)
1900: Social @Backporch Drafthouse
Friday, October 11
0900: Vendors Open @Holiday Inn (host hotel)
1600-1700: Auxiliary Meet and Greet @Horny Toad Harley Davidson in Temple
1700-2000: CVMA party @Horny Toad Harley Davidson in Temple w/ Sloppy Joe Band
2100-2400: After Party @Holiday Inn (host hotel)
Saturday, October 12
0930: Wreath laying @Pool of Tears
1100: Food Trucks and Vendors open @VFW 1820
1200-1600: 2019 CVMA Texas State Meeting @VFW 1820 Primary Hall
1200: 2019 CVMA Texas State Auxiliary meeting start @VFW 1820 Secondary Hall
1600-2300: Raffle drawings held @VFW 1820
1600-1900: After Party @VFW 1820 w/ Sex Raptors
2000-2300: After Party @VFW 1820 w/ 35 South
Sunday, October 13
0730-0930: Breakfast @Golden Corral
1000: Blessing of the Bikes @Holiday Inn (host hotel)
1030: 2019 Texas State CVMA meeting concludes!


Regionals 2019

Had our Chapter Meeting last week at the Clancy Saloon (awesome weekend BTW!).  The highlight for me was folks got patched in as well as the whole event that weekend. Addtionaly, we had a changing of the guard so to speak with Chapter Elections.
CO - Antonio Estrada
XO - John D. Benton
SEC - Mario J. Ramos Jr.
TREAS - Brian Nichols

During the meeting, as Road Captain I was asked for some input. I was ready for the Big Ride to Buda so I asked for a show of hands on how many were headed south on their bike to Regionals, but I was caught off guard.  I've been planning this for a year.  It's on the edge of the Hill Country just south of Austin, so I was a lil' excited.  Had my room reserved since last year. I was down in that area this past June with another group I ride with (Iron Indians) and had a blast.  Good news is I got my fill because all I got was a  'maybe' from one other person on Saturday.  HUH?   Well, the good news is, a large group (majority?) are headed to Temple next month for State so we'll be good to go.

Curve Ball.  As I said, I wasn't expecting that response for Regionals.  So, after we got home yesterday mama and I had a discussion about 'what to do'.  Short version is I've got a lot on my plate overall, so I checked about the hotel's cancellation policy (10 Sep, no penalties) and did the unthinkable.  CANCEL

Problem is, as a 'newbie' to the CVMA I just don't know many outside 23-11.  If a few others were going, I'd be there.  But that's now behind me and it's time to start planning for State.  Cooler temps for riding, lots of 23-11 folks riding in; I feel a good time coming on!

CVMA State 2019

Temple, TX



LETS RIDE!!!!!!!!!!

Strangely, seems like it’s been crickets on this subject, aside from Dutch kicking me in the b@lls to get this done?

From the chapter FB page where our event for tomorrow is, I retrieved this:

 “The Marine Corps League is kicking off their Toys for Tots Campaign. There will be food and adult beverages are allowed. Gunny will be there roughly at 0800 and food will be served around 1200. The meeting room has been secured for 1000 for our Meeting. There will be a Santa, bounce houses and live music and there may be face painting as well at the Harley Dealership so kids are encouraged to come. After the Toys for Tots gig Gunny will be having a shindig at his house. This will start around 1500. He will be providing food ( Burgers n Dogs ) along with having his beer fridge full. The kiddos are also welcome to attend.
If anyone has the time and would like to help a brother out , Gunny could use a hand with the cooking and slicing. They will be collecting toys and cash at this event if anyone wants to donate.”

So, I’m assuming we want to pull in NLT 0930 at the HD dealer.  Based on that , I’m proposing the following.

Folks rolling in from the West need to get together and head towards the EXXON near Campbell ( exit HW Y50 at the I30 exit towards Commerce)  I’m sure Frank will be there on his new FLTRU Fireman Edition (has a new badge!) waiting for you.   I’ll be at the Pilot Travel Center at I30/Hwy 19 as I’m sure GodFather and Tripod will be as well.  Then, we roll up 19 probably picking up Ray as we pass him home.

Less than 24 hours to finalize.  If you have 2 cents to contribute, now is the time!


Nationals June 2019 : Boise Idaho

June 26th thru 30th
13-2 and Region 10 are pleased to welcome you to the 2019 Combat Veterans' Motorcycle Association National Meet, to be held in Boise, Idaho, also known as the "City of Trees." Boise is situated in the high desert of Idaho, and although it is Idaho's Capitol city, it has retained it's small town atmosphere while providing a vibrant downtown and an urban experience that is comparable to large cities.
Boise is also unique as we are a just a short ride to the beautiful mountains and outdoor recreation. There are plenty of scenic riding routes for you to experience while here on your stay, from a couple-hour ride, to and all day adventure into northern Stanley, Idaho. We are intending to furnish a "ride book" for your convenience to pick and choose some of these rides to fully enjoy our stay while at the CVMA Nationals.

Me personally, I plan to roll up there non-stop (hopefully!).

Bun Burner 1500 GOLD 1,500 miles in less than 24 hours

Bun Burner 1500 1,500 miles in less than 36 hours

My hope is to knock out 1500 of the 1600 miles within 24 hours. If I for some reason am unable to complete that task, the 36 hr version should be easily achievable.  Why?  Just because; hard to explain ( I completed the Saddle Sore 1000 last year).   Once up there, time to rest up and do some more riding!

Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...