Former Member?

Have to admit, until the last two years I was sort of oblivious to some of this.  Much of it I had no experience.  Other aspects, I didn't give a shit.   Then sometimes, you become ... aware of shit and it bothers you deep down. I've come full circle the last 20 months or so ... and ... give a shit.  I've seen over the last year, a lot of folks get kicked to the curb, with a no return label.   Others leave abruptly... and some of them ... received a no return label.   In the back of your mind you wonder.... but... what if they moved elsewhere and joined in another region, could they game the system and get back in.  Well technically .....yes.   I'm sure it'd catch up with them eventually unless they kept their heads in the sand... but .. what's the point?  Why would someone even attempt that?   I'm sure .. some do though.

Well, one thing that has bothered me for many years is when you realize someone rejoined .... but ....  didn't make that fact public.  Even then, when maybe one figured it out they still weren't discussing it.. you just became aware.   Well, here's my issue.  Why did they leave in the first place?  Were they problem children?  Were they simply exorcising their 'rights' to join, quit, join and quit?  Or ... did they fly in under the radar the second time and ........ back when they tried to rejoin .. maybe .. maybe ... there should have been a little vetting done at least?

Well, at least now we have another checklist option in place.  At least now since Oct 2022, someone has to acknowledge officially they were in before.  Now we have a chance to look up their old 201 and verify they aren't a problem child.  At least now ... if you find out later they were in but clicked 'no' on that application you have an opportunity to call them out on the carpet and get some explanations.  Maybe even ... kick them to the curb?

Wish this had been in place five years ago.  JS

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Groups IO | GIO

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