Aren't you just a lil' curious?

 Information.  It can be overwhelming. Hell, where to find it all? Interestingly, there is a HUGE wealth of it right at our fingertips.  For CVM@ folks, head to the National Web Page.  Then, several tabs from the right side up near the top is "FORUM".  If you've logged in already, you are immediately taken to the Forum. It's an old skool format that I've been using for decades.  For most, it's simple to navigate. Click on Dashboard and you're now looking at about 21 different subject areas.   Each Subject area lists topics.  Some have a few .. some dozens... some several hundred.   I can almost guarantee you whatever question you have has been discussed over the years; here.  Right there at the top left is a search window.  Give it a try!   

You don't have to answer anything.   Don't have to create anything.  But, this is a library  .. a wealth .. of information from folks.  Our National President posts often.  Regional and State Reps and various CEB folks.  Lots of other folks.  You'd be shocked at how much is here... but .. yet.. most don't. I can prove it.

If one looks at this .... statistic chart ...    It's an eye opener .. well, at least for me.  One realizes only about 25% of the folks ......  check it.  Look around.  Read some great historical info.  Get Guidance.  Whatever.  About 25%.  Now, I've written about this before elsewhere.  The 20/80 Rule.  Twenty percent do eighty percent of the work.  I've seen this proven time and time again over my entire adult life.  So, one would expect it here to I guess.

But, how crazy is that.  ALL this info at our fingertips.  People spend a stupid amount of time watching TV, sitting in a bar, playing on Social Media, whatever.  And over half of them...   don't even lift a finger.  Think about that one.

So...   if I've hit a nerve, check it out. I'm not going to provide a URL... we should all know how to get to the National Site.  If you don't, ask someone. Then....  check out the forum.. The National Store.  They By-Laws (now there is an idea!).

Knowledge is Power folks.....   just do it

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