Brotherhood - 1% style

Posted the below two pics on Social Media.  The quote stirred up a couple of responses.  Honestly wasn't trying to stir the pot at all... it simply .. hit home with me.

I've come to realize we're not all 'built' the same.  I've said for decades, I've got 3 circles of friends.  The Inner circle tends to be about a 1/2 doz folks at any one given time.  One to two might go in and out of that circle.  These are the folks you'd take the shirt off your back for.  The folks  that are there when you truly need them.  The one's you'd do 'anything' for and them for you. Heard the joke about needing someone to help get rid of the body?  Yeah .. that circle of friends.

The second circle is well... most of my friends.  They mean a lot to me. I care about them. I assume their feelings are the same.  Many of these folks I'm really tight with.  I'd do a lot for them.  Do a lot for them. Have done a lot for them.  I believe much of the feeling is mutual.   But they aren't around you every day usually.  They aren't on the phone with you often.  But... you're close.  Ask them to bring over a shovel or a back hoe and well.....   they ain't showing up?

The third circle is more like ... good acquaintances?  You consider them a friend but.....   do you depend on them?  Could you .. depend on them?  When was the last time you heard from them?  Would they be there with a pickup to help you move if you needed them?  Would they be over with 'things' to help if you were down and out?  Hell, if you found yourself in a bad situation .. think guys .. bars .. crazy shit .. and things got ugly, would they stay or run?  Most of those in the second circle would most likely jump into the fray.   This circle, is the majority.  There are hundreds in this outer circle.

But ...  that's not the point of this post.  Twenty years in the military; I made a LOT of good friends over those years.  Back in the day, we were sometimes in situations where we had each others back.  We were on missions and deployments that tested us. Over that twenty, you figured out whom had your back.  Whom not to trust 100%.  Whom were pussies?  Whom were the studs?  You realize, we're not all the same.  You realize you have to sometimes tread carefully.  Just a fact. Life.

After the military, comes a second career in the civilian world.  A dog eat dog world ($). I've rarely been the 'go for the throat' .. .'do whatever it takes' ... kind of guy.  I've usually been the guy that finds a gray area to make it work out for .... most.  It's worked for me. It's helped me be successful in life.  Still in the last 25 years or so ... I've found a few in that world I truly trust.  That i'd do almost anything for.  Forged life long friendships.  But....   few and far between.

Now.. the point of this post.  About a dozen years ago I joined a group of Riders that were pretty tight knit.   Some of them had been through a lot together.  I was late to the game IMHO but quickly forged some close relationships, some that exist today.  A handful.  Overall met a lot of great folks. Dozens and dozens of nice people; acquaintances?  I'm still part of that group, even though it's not on my main radar. Shoot me an invite to an event, I'll roll in.  Would be an awesome 'homecoming.'

A lil over five years ago, I found another group.  A group that mentally took me back to my military days for comaradire and having your buddy's back.  It's stirred deep emotions in me and I take it all seriously, probably too seriously.  Maybe not as much as some, but more than most I believe.  I spend way too much time over thinking things that could be portrayed as Drama.  Portrayed as .. 'who gives a shit anyways?" stuff.  But most of it all .... is pretty important to me.  But not everyone else feels the same.  Not everyone has the same set of values.  Not everyone is willing to go the distance?  I've watched folks over the last five plus years fall off the 'roster.'.  Many of those hailed the group as being great, worthy of our time and love ... etc.  Yes, I'm possibly overstating all this but ... simply trying to make a point.   I'm simply stating ... are you IN .. or are you OUT?   And if one is 'in', how the fuck do they say they are out a year or two later?    Were they simply full of shit about the patch.. the brotherhood ....all of it?   Hell, some of those idiots had ink showing their 'loyalty'.  Some of them gave a huge portion of their time towards it all... then.. like that .. they are gone.   Sometimes you become aware of their shenanigans that went on during their tenure.  Their cut throat BS behind the scenes. What happened to the brotherhood they spouted?  Hell, I'm still learning about some shit that went down late last year.  But with knowledge, comes.....  not power .. but....  hmmmm...   let me think on this one.  Understanding? Understanding whom to keep at bay .. at arms length ...  whom are true brothers .. and others whome are .... false?
You know... sometimes.... there is something to be said about the MC world.  For many .. most .. they have a true hardcore brotherhood.  Me, in some ways I look for that.  Crave it.   Pursue it.  Create it where I am.  At the same time at this point in my life, I'm too old to pursue some of that BS.  And for the 1%'ers , that's not my lifestyle.  At some point, that doesn't mesh with a successful, lawful life in my world.  But damned I envy that camaraderie.  That loyalty.  That hardcore brotherhood.  Still, with a few .. I have it.  But .. just a few.

Daughter bought me the book shown below for my B'Day and I devoured it in a couple of days. Found myself immersed in it, living vicariously through some of them crazy fuckers.   Man .. .what could have been?  Or ... not.   Not sure I ever could have immersed myself 100% into that world .   Lets just call it ... a good book? 

WHOM .. will actually make it?

I love to ride.  Usually looking for an excuse.  Actually drives my wife bat shit; her ride?  Not so much. 

 I remember when this event popped up a few years ago and I tried to promote it locally.  Fell flat on deaf ears.  No biggee since they did an awful job of promoting it themselves and ... the whole thing just... went away.  They never did it.  Huh.  Weird.  They didn't even announce it canx.  Just .. went away.  Saw this flyer below when they first put it out and have been pushing it since.   Well, sort of .  Wingnut as our new Road Captain saw it and began pushing it.  So, looking forward to a group of us riding out there.... Funny background on this for '23.  I noticed it out there via their page.  But, there was no event advertised; anywhere.  Checked the National Sanctioned Calendar; nothing.  Checked the major groups; nothing. So I reached out to the POC and prodded and prodded and .... prodded.  Finally, they got it out there for most to see! Can't help myself sometimes.  Lack of knowledge by PROs and organizers drives me bat shit.

But... two issues.  First one is... something ain't right with me.  Last several times I've rode, I've had issues 1/2 way into the ride..  I've tried to figure out WTF is going on, but .. unsuccessful so far.   Mentioned my symptoms to the docs and get a deer in the headlights look.  So, I'm working on trying to find the solution.  Historically, I could throw a leg over a bike and do 4 digits of miles in a day.  My ass hurt, but I could do it.  Hot? Throw a bottle over water over the head and do another 100 miles.  But.... not so much anymore.   Seems like 50-100 miles down the road I get light headed, dizzy for a few seconds then usually it passes.  A few times I've had to pull over for it to pass.  But for the life of me I can't figure out ....why.   As I look back on things .. I've been dealing with this since March of 2021 when it happened coming back from Daytona Bike Week.  Hell, on a chapter ride I ended up in an ambulance.   So, I've been trying to sort through it all. Docs have changed up my meds.  No solution overall.  I've pulled back on my alcohol intake.  Not sure if that's been a player. Few weeks ago, talked to the docs and we cut my Amlodipine intake (blood pressure meds) in 1/2.  I've lost forty pounds and my BP has gotten on the low side, so trying that.  And I've pulled back my alcohol intake drastically.  To be honest, I don't think the alcohol is the issue, vs the dehydration that often occurs during that time frame.  So ....

The last ten days I've cut out all alcohol. Been staying hydrated.   Watching the weight.  Getting a shit load of sleep.  And this Saturday, we have the ride. Supposed to be another 100deg day and the sun / heat has really fucked with me as of late.  Why?  Don't know .  I used to LOVE riding in the 90s and watching others park the bikes... now..... I sometimes want to park that fucker.  But...... why?  What's changed?  Is it simply age?  The ticker? Something else I can't figure out?   Well....   Saturday we'll see how this plays out.  Going in to the ride as prepared as I can be to try and sort out what the cause is for those issues. Hate to admit it but I wear a helmet often now.  Used to not give a shit.  Now, I want to ensure if I am the cause, my brain cells possibly function after bouncing off the pavement? :)

BUT.... the real reason for this post.  As of late .. hell .. always .. from my perspective. .. our group ... doesn't ride.  I don't get it, I don't understand it.  We have a small subset we call the Senor' Rebels that ride often during the month.... 50+ miles here, 100+ miles there.  But ... the rest ... WTF?  Will they show?  Will they participate?  Do they give a shit?  What's the excuse going to be this time?  Or will folks even give excuses and just stay quiet as usual?

Saturday ... we find out

p.s.  This should be a great ride with lots of two laners and for the most part, a lack of CONCRETE

Arkansas State Rally

Few months back became aware of the AR State mtg coming up.   Normally, would have passed since I'd already been to Ft Smith during the Steel Horse Rally, but ....   I love the riding up that way.  It's only like 250 miles or so ... Chief and Kal are going so .. WTF .. I'm in.  Got a room at the Choctaw casino where the event is being held.....   now .. just time to wait.

The weekend is finally here and it's time to head out. I've decided to head to Little Rock the night before for personal reasons, then on to the Rally Friday morning.  Man it's hot.. .really hot.  I used to love the heat... brag about it all. Now, the shit wears me out.  Actually causes a few problems with me hydration related.   Well, my bike trip is now a cage trip but I'm determined to see this through. Turned around 40 miles out and switched vehicles. So Friday I roll up in the Grand Wagoneer, check in a lil before 3 and I'm ready.   Rested and ready. Checking in behind me is Chief and Kal whom rode up and ... they concur.. friggn' hot out there.  Hell, we'd have people doing upwards of a 1,000 miles in this heat; respect!

Cage Life

Well, unpack and head down to the meet and greet for some cold drinks and see some old friends. First one I come across is Larissa up from 23-15. Her and her hubby must have done something like 900?   Damned... you go!   Got to meet her hubby Mark finally ... good guy.   Cray-On is on her game working the rally, spreading the love.  Meet up with the new AR State Rep; nice guy.  Chief (Mic) is there at the entrance and get a chance to BS a lil.  Then folks from all over Texas are pouring in...  as well as other states.   When the smoke clears over 50% of the attendees are from out of state... damned!   Eventually, the stomach is growling so myself, Chief and Kal find ourselves at the casino bar/grill for some great food.   Few drinks at the bar .. check out the gambling (though abstained) .. and .. early night.   Something to be said for some good zzzzs.

Up bright and early and downstairs well in advance of the 0900 start time.  Again, more time to BS with folks, pick out the seat, grab some swag from various vendors. One of the chapters is pushing their version of "The Association" hats so grab one to add to the collection.  Shirt from 7-8 and Koozies.   Got the rally swag.... I'm good to go.  Now, start this meeting!  Got to tell you, I like these smaller ones.  I was at the MS one last month and similar. Around 250 folks, meeting is fast and over in about 2 hours.  As with the MS one, we have a ton of folks in attendance.  Skrape (SAA), Boomer (regional rep), Dudeman (State rep), and many more.  Lot of folks also in from LA of which Eagle was the highlight also as our guest speaker.  An OK Brother made all the competition trophies for basically nothing and they were beautiful.   All in all ....   next thing you know... meeting is over.  Swiped and time to enjoy the rest of the weekend.  

Normally, I'd be talking about the bike show. The bike night.  But .. I bailed.  Without a bike I felt out of place.  No where to ride.  So .. I went to Plan B.  Headed up to Fayetteville to visit a friend.  But that meeting?  It rocked.... next year, maybe I'll friggn' ride?  

Great Entry


Patch In

Get Edumacated!

Over the last five years, something has become apparent to me.  I knew it with a few, but now realize it's most.  Most, have zero idea/clue how to find shit.  There  you go, in a nutshell.

Every year we hear .. how do I pay my National Dues?  Where can I get a new ID card?  The list goes on and on.....

The most important thing we have at our disposal in the CVMA is the 201 File.  Basically, it's the holy grail for us; with a repository with ALL our info. Yet, my understanding is the majority of folks never even look at it.  WTF? As a minimum, one's ICE info is there.. you know.. whom to contact if your body bounces off the Interstate and someone needs to call a family member or something along that lines.  There are sections with notes, sanctioned events, disciplinary actions .. even an 'other events'.  Under those 4 tabs is pretty much EVERYTHING that has occured during ones membership tenure.  Unless....

Unless... the info is missing.  Are you sure  your chapter meeting was recorded when you swiped?  Are you sure you got credit for that Sanctioned event? Are you sure you got credit for attending the National Meeting?  The list goes on and on.   One could argue....  'does it all matter?' .. well, I guess if one wants to plod along with their head in the sand and simply exist, probably not.  I would tell you it mattered for Lucy when it came time for Life Membership and we realized there was no record of her patching in at a Sanctioned Event. And yes, it bit her in the butt.  Hard reminder that our 201 file is OUR responsibility.  Yet .. most rarely look at it... assuming they ever have.

The FORUM.   This is an interesting one.  INCREDIBLE amount of info in there.  But, most never venture into it and do any reading.  A few do.. daily.   A few .. are the regular contributors.  But Tens of Thousands....  may not know it ever existed.   Of course, the computer skills of most are negligible and they'd probably just get lost in the maze.. but.. that's on them.  The info is there.

Finally...  the main website has a repository of documents...  info .. you name it, pertinent to everything we do (ex: ByLaws).  There is a list of ALL Chapters and their officers and .. the NBOD and regional and state resps. It's all there!

Last .. a link to the store (separate web site).  This is a plethora of items there.. from a new ID card to stickers, patches shirts, shorts, hats...  whatever you want to part $ for.  

Yet...  a lot of folks don't even have a login to the national website or national store, much less visit it.  

Go Figure..................

Final tidbit ....  while at the MS State Mtg last month, one of the Chapter Commanders mentioned they have a mentor program of sorts for new members.  Current members take them under their wing and get them up to speed on By Laws .. Protocols ..  201 files, etc.    Now that ... is a great idea!

Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...