We met Carolyn back in '17, and it's been an awesome six years.  She was married to Godfather whom we all looked up to; we lost him back in '21.  Then this year, Carolyn got an infection and within months, things took a fatal turn. We lost her late last month.   Today, we celebrated her life with a Memorial at Sweet Water Grill.

Dutch took the reins and did an awesome job.  SwampRat jumped into the fray to help.  The Aux stepped up to make sure everything went smooth.  Even Cupcake from 23-14 brought in some incredibly awesome deserts for the day (I might have got carried away).   Overall, was a great ceremony. I truly believe her family were happy with the outcome of it all.  I know I was.

I started off the morning rolling out at 0900 with Lucy on the back of our bike (Krome) and met up with Chief and KAL.  Headed the 'long way' to Emory where about a dozen of us met up from 23-11 with 2-3 cages of family members.  From there, we headed out to SWG where we were met by another 2-3 dozen folks on bikes and others caging in to celebrate Bug's life.

Few things jump at me.... I can't help but .. dissect things so to speak. First, Dudeman and Cupcake were on hand.  Awesome.  Skrape was on hand.  Awesome.  The majority of 23-11 was on hand.  Awesome.  Folks from 23-1, 23-6 and other chapters were on hand.  Awesome.  What caught me off guard were a few others.  Also, whom didn't show.  I don't recall a single soul from 23-26; huh.

Towards the end, I realized Whiskers was in attendance.  Lucy told me his wife was as well. Kudo's brother for making it after everything that happened.  Snake and Knuckles came in from New Mexico; she'd actually had a hand in running some of it.  Awesome.  A lot of folks I didn't know were in attendance.  Bug and Godfather had quite a presence over the years.  But.......

Few folks rolled in that ...   hmmm..  made me shake my head.  We had a group of folks bail out of our  CVMA chapter a few months back and start up their own lil thing.  Several showed up with their vests, etc.  Hell, I'm surprised the whole group didn't roll in . .but... how many of them are in that group exactly?  Three?  Five?  Dozen?  I hear it's sort of a mess and struggling.  But, I question why most even showed their faces.  One of them didn't have the balls to say a word to me, and .. worse.. fucking rambled on during 1/2 the ceremony ignoring the speakers.  If I'd been standing next to him I'd have told him to STFU and .. smacked him the back of the head if necessary. Complete disrespect towards Carolyn.  Should have stayed home; but .. .wasn't his agenda?  On a positive note, the POS left without saying a word in my direction.  Note:  Someone just told me the Fux we're actually prospecting at the Event.  Guess we should have outwardly told them to stay the fuck away after what all went down a few months ago.  

Still ....  Lot of great folks in the Mix.  Carolyn is/was, an awesome lady and will be missed. 

Rest in Peace Bug

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