Few weeks ago, Bubba posted their event out on the TX CVMA page.  They expected a small turnout.  Then last week, they got it Sanctioned which I believe led to it's success.  When the smoke cleared they had triple what they'd expected; 101+ bikes and 140+ folks swiped in.  BAM!

Landing 67 is a BIG place and easily handled the capacity.  We overwhelmed their kitchen, but they eventually caught up with all the orders.  DJ rolled in, plenty of beer ($20 donation got you entry and six beers), some corn hole setups were put in place and things were hopping.  Our regional Rep Boomer was on hand and two Brothers were patched in as Full Members. Desi was leading the way with Karaoke with Bubba and others stepping up to the plate.  Large contingent of Brothers and Sisters from other states really pulled this whole thing together as a success.

That morning Six of us rolled out in my group; Chief, Rocky, Shooter, Ratt, Boudreaux and myself. We were all about 'two lanes' to get there.  Lil later, Orion, Fireshot, Hollywood, Goose, SassyPantz, and Pullout rolled in as a group rolling down the Interstate most of the way.  Boots and Delco from a ride via Arkansas. Slingblade and Holly came in together.  Topshelf, Smooches and Kayci all caged in. Helluva Showing for 23-11 as a chapter showing support!!!

By 4pm, they 50/50 was done and auctions were starting.... but.. we had 2.5 hours to get home so the majority of us rode back together, splitting up as we got close to Sulphur Springs, making an exodus to our various destinations.  I'd roll into Lone Oak with Chief, Boudreaux and Shooter.  Few minutes later, Mission Complete.

Can't wait to see what they put together next year!  I may have to stay the night to enjoy the whole show.....

KSU location

1030 KSU from Lone Oak
Pee and Fuel break enroute

Landing 67

Landing 67

Two new Full Members patched into 23-26

A rare moment .. Ratt with a cold one!

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Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...