Motorcycle Awareness Month

 If I find myself in a jam, THESE are whom I'll be calling .. not the marketers you find a Bike Rallies... you know whom I'm talking about...


Few weeks ago, Bubba posted their event out on the TX CVMA page.  They expected a small turnout.  Then last week, they got it Sanctioned which I believe led to it's success.  When the smoke cleared they had triple what they'd expected; 101+ bikes and 140+ folks swiped in.  BAM!

Landing 67 is a BIG place and easily handled the capacity.  We overwhelmed their kitchen, but they eventually caught up with all the orders.  DJ rolled in, plenty of beer ($20 donation got you entry and six beers), some corn hole setups were put in place and things were hopping.  Our regional Rep Boomer was on hand and two Brothers were patched in as Full Members. Desi was leading the way with Karaoke with Bubba and others stepping up to the plate.  Large contingent of Brothers and Sisters from other states really pulled this whole thing together as a success.

That morning Six of us rolled out in my group; Chief, Rocky, Shooter, Ratt, Boudreaux and myself. We were all about 'two lanes' to get there.  Lil later, Orion, Fireshot, Hollywood, Goose, SassyPantz, and Pullout rolled in as a group rolling down the Interstate most of the way.  Boots and Delco from a ride via Arkansas. Slingblade and Holly came in together.  Topshelf, Smooches and Kayci all caged in. Helluva Showing for 23-11 as a chapter showing support!!!

By 4pm, they 50/50 was done and auctions were starting.... but.. we had 2.5 hours to get home so the majority of us rode back together, splitting up as we got close to Sulphur Springs, making an exodus to our various destinations.  I'd roll into Lone Oak with Chief, Boudreaux and Shooter.  Few minutes later, Mission Complete.

Can't wait to see what they put together next year!  I may have to stay the night to enjoy the whole show.....

KSU location

1030 KSU from Lone Oak
Pee and Fuel break enroute

Landing 67

Landing 67

Two new Full Members patched into 23-26

A rare moment .. Ratt with a cold one!

Medal of Honor Ride - '22 : Mission Completed

 Finally!   Haven't attended since '19 due to the Wuhan Virus crap .. but .. it's back on for '22.  Last week, got a heads up from Dutch whom got info via the Patriot Guard that is was a go this year.   Middle of the week, put the invite out there after accepting his and we've got four from our chapter attending; Dutch, Rocky, Swamprat and myself.  Put it out on Groups.IO .. only person to chime in was Grumpy whom has attended in the past but can't make this one.

Weather looks a lil iffy early on, but a dry day overall so not too concerned.  Head out after 1000 hrs and the ground is wet from earlier. By the time I get to the QT in GVL to meet up with Dutch, it's misting.  Top off the tank, don my rain gear and we're off to Farmersville to grab Swamprat.  By this time, the misting has stopped so rain gear off for me, especially since the temps are rising.  Then onward to Hooters in McKinney for lunch with Rocky joining us.  This traffic though; I remember when 380 was a nice ride all the way to McKinney but not anymore. As we approach Princeton, lights .. and more lights.  Traffic and more traffic.  Dallas is expanding this way with houses and more houses.  Sucks.  Sooooooooo glad I'm in Greenville. I'm pretty much safe here for another decade or two from this crap.  We're running early and before noon, Rocky is waiting for us and we're grabbing lunch with a view.

The MOH has a meetup on the south side of the airport and they close the gates a few hours later to provide for safety briefs, etc so we head out sooner than later.  Did I mention this traffic sucks?  And the wind!  The last two weeks it's been brutal this year.  Well, we shoot through the airport taking a shortcut and get there with over a hundred bikes already lined up. They put us in the center with my bike at the front of the group; perfect.  Over the next few hours hundreds more will roll in, to include folks from 23-1 and 23-6. Many of them met up north of the airport but we didn't get the memo; ball got dropped somewhere in the communication chain; never made it to my eyes/ears.  We've got a few hours to visit with folks and make the best of it.  Temps are rising and before we get on those bikes, it'll hit 95 deg.  When I started off the morning it was upper 60s, so this is almost a thirty degree swing, and we're parked on blacktop!  Good thing is, cold waters are everywhere to be had!

Finally, we get news the MOH bus is near and motors are firing up.  We've got about a dozen police cruisers in the mix.  About two dozen cops on bikes.  Several hundred of us on motorcycles.  Soon, we're rolling out onto 4 lanes of traffic with the police escorting and closing off our route for the next fifty miles!  This one never fails to put a smile on my face.  Every on ramp is blocked off by an officer all the way to Gainsville.  As we continue nortward , the news choppers are above us.  Overpasses are populated by Patriots of all ages waving hands and flags. More than a few are saluting us, so I return each with a salute. Service roads are littered with cars pulled over with folks yelling.. for miles and miles. The closer we get to Gainsville, the denser the groups.  You know the boys in the bus are smiling at all this; I was!

Eventually, we'll pull into Gainesville, parked at a nearby college.  After folks get the bikes parked, off to get a patch and/or '22 Chevron for it.  Folks are overwhelmed at the vendor spot but they pull it off.  Then off to see the Medal of Honor recipients that attended this year, but ... not to be.  Last time, we had the opportunity to see/chat, etc with each one.  This year, not so much.  They've got them locked away doing other things; I'm guessing 'covid' is to blame.  Hopefully next year, things will be back to 100% normality?

Well, it's after 1830 hrs and I'm hungry; we all our. So we mount up and head back on Hwy 82, grab a bite, top off the tanks and work our way back.  Rocky peels off on '75, we head to '69.  Swamprat peels off a few miles later headed due South and Dutch and I continue towards GVL.  He'll eventually peel off leaving me for the next few miles.  Twenty minutes later, Home Sweet Home.

Great day, but damned I'm beat.  On the bike around 1000 hrs, off it after 2100 hrs... eleven hours of good times.  Between the wind, sunburn and miles.. I'm beat!

 Link to the Story:


SCOM / Shindig 2022 weekend

Man ...   had to really squeeze this one in this year.  We'd just got back into town a few days prior and I was leaving out of country the following day of this event. I'd made the decision to head out to the Shindig before I'd found myself on the CEB as the Chapter PRO.  I'd reached out to several others who where in.. then out .. then .. back in!   Then we bumped it up a day early and made it a 2 day trip out, but 1 to get back since I'd a schedule issue.  Rooms were locked in and we were all in agreement that we'd get there with the least amount of Interstate as possible.  I'd done this run for Nationals in '18, but the temps were in the 90s/100s on that June trip. We were blessed with cooler temps this time in the 60s and 70s.  The only twist would be the wind, both directions for much of the trip.

Wednesday we headed out around 0800 from Reames Market; Chief, Boudreaux and myself.  From there we head to McKinney to pick up Rocky. Chief is on an HD, we are on Indians ; Chief and his 3 Indians?  Rolling in there around 0900 puts us in some crazy busy traffic for over 60 minute's where we finally break away from the DFW area, free of all the BS.  Now, we're smiling.  All leathered up, temps in the mid 60s and loving life.  We've got an easy 8 hour day total with stops, lunch, you name it.  We're finally checked in around 5pm at a Hampton Inn and we're headed off to find some liquor and dinner! The Butchers Block is the highly recommended local spot and it won't disappoint.  Good Steaks, cold drinks and a great waitress.  
Wed night aftermath
Highlights of my night is we picked up the tab for the local Deputy Sheriff and his girlfriends/wife.  He was highly appreciative of it and put a smile on my face. Then back to the hotel to crack open the good stuff.  We parked our butts in the lobby and had .. well .. too good of a time.  I know this because three of us emptied two of those bottles!  Next morning we'd be moving slow, but nobody was truly hurting.  But damned I needed some java! Next day we're rolling out of Snyder Texas and headed to New Mexico where we'll drop down into El Paso as the temps slowly climbed.  The mountain range/park we are skirting on the edge of is beautiful and we're all wanting to divert into it for a better view, but we've got to make time to get to our destination.  Soon, we're winding downwards on a windy highway 62 with awesome views, straightening out towards Texas and our destination of El Paso. Come 1730 , we're checking in and debating what to do.  Our original plan was the meet and greet, but we're all beat and BJ's Brewery around the corner is calling our name...we're hungry and thirsty! I'm dragging ass from the previous night's fun.  I'm beat.

Friday is here!  We're staying at a Marriott Courtyard so they have a Bistro serving breakfast ($), so that problem is solved. Then over to the VFW Post a few miles south of us to grab our swag, grab a cold one, and catch up with others.  After an hour or so .. we're wondering .. what next?  So, mount up and on a whim, head east to put on some miles towards Fabens, paralleling the border the whole way.  Seemed like we'd been going quite awhile but all in all , only put on about 50 miles that day. We've got a bike night at Barnett HD which is THE Largest Dealer, which wont' disappoint.  Upwards of 500 folks roll in with Food Trucks, live music and vendors on hand.  Me, I only last about two hours there before it's time to head back. Once again .. I'm friggn' beat!  Quick change of clothes and we're down in the lobby with dozens of others whom have the same idea.  No bikes and bottles!

Few hundred bikes of just CEB

Saturday is the big day.  Around 0800 we're rolling in for the SCOM meeting. I'm counting hundreds of bikes out there and this is just the CEB at this point.  With 29 chapters and several detachments, Texas is THE largest percentage of the CVMA with over 10% of the total membership (approx 20,000 total worldwide) . Towards the end, 23-11 steps up to the plate to get the event in Greenville and we're awarded the opportunity.  After a couple hours of meeting with the Texas Board member and Officers/Reps from all but one of our chapters, others roll in for the Shindig portion which kicks off at noon.  They've got a DJ inside, live band outside and overall it's just a really good time.  Rocky and I got to see some of the members from 23-15 that we'd rode down to see back in December and reconnect.  Hell, the Aux members prompted us for one of our 'famous' Dick Sandwiches; too funny!  We're truly hoping to make that run again, this December.  Well, after some of the raffles are done, we sneak off for some grub with a second run to BJs.  Then, back to the hotel where most of us park it since we've got a long ride home on Sunday.  I for one do NOT want a repeat of Wed night's shenanigan's!   I've got 700 miles to do home, and I want to do it in a  '100%' state!  Rocky and I have a few drinks, call it a night.  Chief that same.  Boudreaux head to the lobby for a few extras. He and the Chief are doing a 2 dayer, Rocky and I ... one day ride.

Sunday is here!  We've joined in with several from 23-26 and by 0630 we're headed out on Interstate, headed East.  When approaching the DFW are they take I20.  Rocky and I grab I30 where he'll bolt off on I820 headed home.  I grab the throttle and kick up the speeds past 90mph and rolling through DFW, pulling into the driveway by 1830 hours. Lucy picked up my Nephew Pablo and his bride earlier in the day and they are waiting for me.  We've got Margaritas to drink and everyone's hungry ...   we're headed the next day to Mexico.  I made it!

Enjoying some BJ's .. lol

Checking out the Border

Bike Night

Dick Sammich with our 23-15 gal

World Record'?  

Medal of Honor Ride '22

*** UPDATED INFORMATION *** MISSION NOTICE - 04/20 - 1300 - 2022 Medal of Honor Motorcade - DFW Airport



Mission Summary

Calendar Link:

Link to Calendar



Greg Wiggins
(972) 679-3471

Ride Captain 2:


Jeffrey Wike
(817) 301-4293

Ride Captain 3:


Mike Moore
(817) 228-3240

Ride Captain 4:


Mario Sandone
(214) 232-2722

Mission Summary:


The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to be a part of the 2022 Medal of Honor Escort. AT this annual event all surviving recipients of the “Medal of Honor” are flown into Dallas-Fort Worth and are escorted via motorcade to Gainesville, Texas, the host city. The City of Gainesville Medal of Honor City Arrival Motorcade will begin at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, 2400 Aviation Drive North, DFW Airport, Texas 75261, and will conclude at North Central Texas College, 1525 W. California Street, Gainesville, Texas 76240.
Please come join us for a great patriotic “feel good” mission and to help celebrate these heroes.



Part 1 - Procession 





Mission Date:

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Staging Time:


Starting Time:


Staging Point:

Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport

Staging Address:


Old Greater Southwest Airport Runway
Airport Freeway and Amon Carter Blvd

Staging Area Map:

Link to Map


32.50196, -97.02568



Riders will stage at the south end of the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, at the old Greater Southwest Airport Runway (Airport Freeway & Amon Carter Blvd.) The gates to the staging area will open at 1:00pm and will close at 2:45 pm. ANY RIDERS ARRIVING AFTER THE GATES ARE CLOSED WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO RIDE IN THE PROCESSION.

After the gates are closed riders will be given both the mission and safety briefings. Six Big Flag Honor Bikes have already been selected.

The procession is scheduled to depart for Gainesville, Texas at approximately 4:00pm.

Upon arrival at our destination (North Central Texas College), riders will dismount and stand the flag line.
Riders not participating in the procession may stage at North Central Texas College in Gainesville, Texas to await the arrival of the procession. The motorcade is expected to arrive between 5:00pm and 5:30pm (approximately).

At the conclusion of the event, and only at the direction of the Mission Ride Captain, we will pull the flags and carry them to the support vehicle to be furled and put away. Riders will be debriefed and dismissed.


Escort Provided


Yes – Tom Harrington and Duane Ormsby


Lunch Ride with the boys ...

 Rocky and I needed to meet up today to exchange some funds, so decided on a quick ride and put it out there, with only the Chief jumping into the fray. Chief and I roll up to the bank where I do the magic and had to toggle my phone from airplane mode back in forth to get it working / signal.  It starts going crazy with messages, notifications, etc.. and .. I see Rocky has sent my an option for lunch in Caddo Mills. I'd told him Farmersville, so .. hey ... okay ... Caddo Mills it is. I was looking forward to riding further but .. wtf. Fifteen minutes later Chief and I roll up to the Mexican restaurant.

Well, we've got upwards of thirty minutes to kill waiting on Rocky since it's 1130 and we'd planned on a 1215 lunch .. time to BS.  He fills me in on the chapter meeting I'd missed, we bullshit out Ham Radio things he's working on, etc., etc.  when Rocky and I start pinging each other with 'where you at?".  Weeelllllllllllllll... we have a disconnect. He's in Farmersville, we're in Caddo Mills.  When my phone was acting screwy, it didn't list the messages in the correct order....  he'd sent the Mexican restaurant text BEFORE I'd sent my recommended lunch spot... so .. we're reversed.  He jumps on his bike and heads south and by 1230, we're having lunch!  Whoops!

This is my first time to Fiesta's, a lil hole in the wall on the west edge of town. Lil' quaint inside and it's my kind of place.   They have a buffet that we all opted for and it was damned good.  All you can eat for $8.99!   One plate for each of us and we're done, but the options rocked.  Quick service, girls were all nice to us. There is a lot of home construction going on in the area and our waitress explains to us that most of them don't have a long lunch hour so the buffet is a hit with them.  As with us.

Well, we decide to follow Rocky back to log some miles and get some seat time... so we head up 36 where he breaks off towards Blue Ridge and we towards Celeste. After celeste we opt for 272 which is awesome. Lots of winding turns with no construction nor traffic; perfecto!  Onward to Wolfe City then back home.  All in all, about 85 miles for all of us.  Not bad for a sunny, 72 deg Spring Day in Tejas!

Small area but Awesome selection of Goodies!

23-11: The Beginning


On 3 September 2013 Detachment 23-1 A formed Chapter 23-11

The Chain of Command:
CO Larry "Grandfather" Smith
XO Fred "Bluesman" Erben
TRS Wilma "Wam" Morrow
SEC Paul "Pauly" Cicero
SSA Jim "Frost" Batchelor 

The Chapter was approved an Officially created September 16th, 2013. 

Sixteen Full Members supported forming of TX 23-11, Northeast, Texas were: 

Larry "Grandfather" Smith
Sulphur Springs TX 

Carl "Radar" Workman
Wake Village TX 

Patrick "Paddy" Burrow
Quinlan TX 

Jim "Frost" Batchelor
Cooper TX 

Ray Gooch
Atlanta TX 

Bob "Doc" Holliday
Waskom TX 

Wilma "Wam" Morrow
Tyler TX 

Richard "Bulldancer" Nail
Como TX 

Michael "Tripod" Bonner
Mabank TX 

Paul "Moe" Missildine
Redwater TX 

Michael "NA" Lang
Waskom TX 

Paul "Pauly" Cicero
Tyler TX 

Fred "Bluesman" Erben
Arthur City TX 

Clinton Petty
Wills Point TX 

Stephen "Sarge" Henderson
Tyler TX 

Mike "Crash" Whotton
Naples TX

Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...