Meet in the Middle

 Overall, another great weekend of riding; 200 for me, lil more lil less for others.   It was looking to be a cold and chilly day initially ... but .... as the date got closer, the forecast got better.  I thought I'd have to don my chaps but by 0930hrs, it was 49 degrees and headed North!  By the time we're KSU, it's low 50s.  On the way home, it'd pop all the way to 67!

In Lone Oak, six bikes and one trike would roll out.  Chief is our Road captain and leads the pack with myself, Honey Badger, Orion, Rocket, Fireshot and Shooter bringing up the rear on 3.  Initially, we wanted to take the 'scenic' route... but... it's still a notch cold so we roll straight down 69 to 80 to Longview. We're some of the first to roll in with 23-20 and 23-14 there.  We expected a contingent roll in from 23-26 but never heard from them, minus Abe but he's local.

It was fairly calm compared to last time with us all in the VFW pool hall area.   Once everyone was there the mood kicked into gear and the good times were had.   Good percentage were playing pool; hell I finally joined in and for once didn't suck.  A pool tourney was underway and they had a kitchen pushing out Burgers and other treats. I have to admit .. my burger sucked.  Was advertised as a half pounder and I'd be surprised if that mystery meat was a 1/4 pounder.  Sigh.  However others had some type of Philly / Cheese on fries or tots, and it looked awesome!  Shoulda Coulda Woulda!

Well, few hours go buy and we're mounting up to leave.  On the way down Fireshot experienced an electrical problem , most likely loose cables from the install of a new battery.  Now... I'll be nice here, but for some reason they didn't take care of it on site, so ... on the way back .. it haunted her a few times .. but ... 1/2 way home, the problem calmed down and she made it home fine.  However, 3 -4 times we had to  pull over and wait for her.  In that mix was a pee break  that threw us a curve... since they pulled off without telling the lead bike.  BUT... all  in all .. a good time.  Lessons learned?  Bring a tool kit and if  you've got to take a piss, run up to the lead bike and motion at your crotch? :)

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Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...