Steel Horse Rally


Attended two years ago. Signed up for last year's, but it got postponed due to the Wuhan Crap. Got the VIP option all paid up for.  All set to head out this year, then we got a curve ball.  A GOOD curve ball.   Detachment 23-11A learned about it via Lucy and now, quite a few folks are rolling up!  So, next month around this time frame, we head up on a group ride!  Guessing we'll have two groups.... Those that ride up Thursday (me .. me!) and those that roll up Friday (my original plan but riding up early with Snake and Knuckles).

This is a smaller rally in downtown Ft Smith covering only several blocks.  There is a park at the west end of town where the music is played.  They have races in the area.  And the riding is ... phenomenal.  Last time, we rode up to Eureka Springs via the Pig Trail which rocked.  A two day rally that continues to grow.   The Local CVMA chapter was setup at the HD Dealer off 540 back in '19, so hoping they will be again.

Good times ahead

p.s.  Gotz a new bike to ride up to AR on .. just gets better!

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Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Groups IO | GIO

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