Steel Horse Rally - Part II

Steel Horse Rally is May 7th and 8th.  Few of us are rolling in from 23-11A on Thursday the 6th, back on Sunday the 9th. Departure time is still undecided but the route is pretty straightforward

Few of us are rolling in from Greenville.  Rocky is coming in from Anna.  Get off the Turnpike before the $$$ entry point and stay on 271. In Talihina, you continue on 271 with a hard right. for a loooong way until we hit 270. Then it's 270/271 until Poteau where you grab 59 N for a short distance to 112.   Then, 112 takes us back to 271. I've normally continued on to I540 and worked my way around ,but this year I'll take 271 N into Ft Smith.  It drops us onto Bus 71 ... which .. .takes us right into Downtown!

Back in 2019 we stayed at a property a few miles away.  This year, we're smarter and staying right downtown at the Hilton Double Tree.  Walking distance, as necessary?

KSU time on Thursday from Paris HD is 1100 hrs



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Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

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