I believe this used to require 5 Years in good standing, before it could be applied for. Then I noticed after reading an update, that it only took 3 years to qualify. But it's not quite that simple. One has to attend annual Sanctioned events. And the icing on the cake, a National Event in the last 3 years when one applies. Apparently, most don't do all these, to meet the requirements.
I first joined back in early 2018 and seeing that the Nationals event was in El Paso, I immediately made plans and after being a member for three months, I was headed to my first National Event. I was a newbie and had no idea I just passed up my LRRP patch (1500 miles in state in a year). Had no idea this would work out for my future Life Member plans. Well here I am, a Three Year Member.. and now .. a Life Member.
The criteria for Life Membership is three consecutive years of membership in good standing from the date of the Life Member application. The member must have attended a CVMA sanctioned event in each of the three years and one of those events must have been a National Meeting. Sanctioned event attendance must be entered in the member's 201 file within six months of the event.