Final Ride of Feb ... ?


I've been all over the map this month.  Got back to Tejas a few days ago.   Hell, didn't unpack until literally an hour ago.  But two days ago Bear posted to the Chapter asking who wanted to Ride!  Well... huh .. nobody but myself replied so off we went yesterday at 1300.

I rolled up to the VFW in Tawakoni at EXACTLY 1300...   whew!  I hate being late; perfect.  I decided to ride KRAKEN this time out...  I've had that bike just over a year and had ... 350 miles on the odometer.  Whoops!  I need to start riding all of them in the mix a lil more vs just KRIMSON that I got about a year ago.

Well, we roll south to the Ball Joint in Wills Point for a couple of colds ones.  Bear knows the new bartender (the infamous Anna), swap some stories, chat with the other patrons and decide to roll towards Emory to Sidekicks.  Few years ago they had a "NO COLORS" sign up which is a no no off limits for CVMA so wanted to see if they'd really pulled it down.  Yep... so we're in there for a few cold ones.

Finally, back on the bikes and back to Tawakoni with the temp right around 70 deg and Sunny ... perfecto!

Got them both out front for a bike wash and oil change (500 mi and 10k miles) ....   damned this weather is finally awesome again.  Ready to do some riding in March!

Lets Roll!

Ball Joint (Ultra: Official Beer of Riding Days)


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Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Final Ride of Feb ... ?

KRAKEN (L) and KRIMSON (R) I've been all over the map this month.  Got back to Tejas a few days ago.   Hell, didn't unpack until lit...