"ARE YOU SAFE?!?!" Life360 App

 I've touched on this subject before but never expounded on it.  I've got a Samsung, wife has an iPhone.  Point being, iPhones have a simple process to track each other if they choose to participate.  Samsung's, not so much.  But an App that installs on either is available; Life360.  This allows users of both brands to cross communicate shared location. (ie Iphone <> Iphone, Samsung <> Samsung and/or Iphone <>Samsung)

Here's the example of why I'm promoting this..... and I'll go from there.  I'm referencing the motorcycle world, but it applies to everyone's 'world.'

Group of folks that ride together often, are out on a ride.  After the Ride, someone will usually say " Ride Safe ... let us know you got home okay ..."   Then a large percentage of the time, they forget.   Does the National Guard get called out?  No.  Does the rest of the group call their phone at 0200 hrs. asking if they got home?  No. A week later if they haven't been heard from them, is a missing person report initiated?  No.   But, had they used LIFE360, within a few seconds if someone cares and checks their App,  they know the answer.

Second Example.  Via Social Media or News outlet, one sees a "Biker went down" in an area near where we all ride.  Few inevitably put a post on Social Media about it with  " CHECK IN please!" .  There could be a hundred members seeing that post and something like 5 or 10 will comment 'safe', 'okay' .. whatever.  But, Ninety percent ... no answer.   Once again, does anyone check on the remaining group?  No.  So, what was the point of the question?  If someone WAS involved, 99% sure once they are identified, the news will travel fast .. eventually.  However, a quick look at LIFE360 would tell you if one of the members was at that location.  Takes a few seconds.

Here's a more frequent one, that happened to one of my folks just this past weekend.   Several folks riding to an event with a stop along the way.  But, one of our guys missed the meet point with the others.  Had they had LIFE360 running, the folks traveling could have seen the other was running late. Could maybe have waited. Then, in this particular situation, that person running late couldn't locate the others.  BUT, had they had LIFE360, they could have seen where the final destination was fifteen minutes later and caught up with the group.  Instead, they were in the dark. Mission Failure.

Now, a few naysayers chime in about security, but let me try and clarify something first.   PRIVACY.  Folks don't want the world knowing where they are 24/7.   This app leverages Location Services on the one's phone.  This can be turned off at the phone and/or app level.   Me personally, I normally turn it on at the app level when I'm Riding on my Bike.  If I'm on a cruise ship in the Caribbean, not sure I see the value... but .. have left it on before.  Point being, one can decide when they want their locations advertised to others in the group.   The info is NOT public, but contained in specified 'circles'. Now ... more specific info about this particular app.

It uses what it calls 'circle of friends'    One could have 1, 3, .. hell ...dozens of circles.  For discussion sake, I have two.  My riding group and Family.  They are 100% separate.  Location Services can be on or off, for each, separately.  Me personally, I leave my family circle on 100% of the time for obvious reasons.  They all do as well.   My Riding Group Circle, if I think about it and not on 2 wheels, I sometimes turn it off.  About 25% of the others seem to as well.  But, if they don't turn it on when riding, sort of defeats the whole purpose?

I've had this on my phone for over a year now.  I use it almost daily.   I've been able to find my spouses phone when they misplaced it (okay.. she found mine).  I've been able to verify others are enroute to a meetup  vs. bug them with "have you left yet??".  And, most importantly, when I've heard "Rider Down", a quick check and know.... those in my 'circle' are safe and not at the site in question.


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