Bottle Cap Ride - Edited

Great day for a ride.   Pushing into the 70s, felt humid... time to roll!  Chief can't make it, but Dutch is in.  Boudreaux and Nance want to put some miles on their 'new' trike they recently converted.  Lucy can't make it, so I pick a destination she doesn't like to go to ....  Bottle Cap!

I've broke out Krome today for this ride; that bike misses my love.  Or, maybe I have it backwards?  Dutch and I head over to Boudreaux's home, they mount up and we work our way into Greenville ... the 'long way', as best as possible.  We pop out on 380 with a few miles to go and roll up after 1300 hrs.  Now.... here's the point of this blog post.  Before we left Chief asked me if we could 'wear our cut's in "

Headed to the VFW for a few cold ones then headed home.  Ran into a guy we used to work with (Sonny) and shared a few.. I mean .. LOT .. of stories about the Good ol' days.  Dutch got to share some of his from his L3 days at the plant.  And the icing on the cake; Boudreaux and Sonny joined the VFW as members.   Oh yeah, I picked up a few VFW tee shirts, because I obviously need more.

Yep ..  was a good day to ride!

Still have their vests on ...

Looking good in MY vest !  lol

My double cheese burger wrapped in lettuce... was good!

Rolling out from Bottle Cap


Looking good!  I LOVE the look of this trike..but, I'm biased

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Groups IO | GIO

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