CVMA Jewelry

 I'm not a big one for jewelry so to speak, but a nice ring, watch or bracelet will get my attention sometimes. Last week on a CVMA Group on FB , Red Dog (Thomas Morgan) posted some that he was going to bring to Nationals .. which went by the wayside thanks to the Wuhan crap.  Got to admit, two of the rings caught my attention right away.

Ordered them a few days ago, and they showed up today. High Quality Silver and beautiful.  Mama grabbed the flyer that he stuck in the box and sent me a packing to order her some things!  

Thanks Red Dog!  He can be reached at if you're interested.

LRRP plan coming together

LRRP ...  I feel a plan coming together.   Need 300 miles for 2020's Inner-State for completion this year.  Killeen chapter has a sanctioned event with the wreaths, so looking good.  Beaudreau is on board to ride there the day before, do the event, then head back.  Bam!

Next year's plan is starting up good.  Finish the mission is a no brainer to Nationals. I'm planning on an IBA 1500miler, so able to knock out two birds with one stone.  The one that I'm having to spend time figure out is the Tri-State.  I finally wised up this weekend and emailed the State Reps for OK, LA and AR.  Heard back from two so far.  My plan is to hit State Mtg in OK. State mtg in AR.  Since regionals are in LA, State and/or Regional is an option.    Trying to find other sanctioned events is well...  a bitch!  Turns out the National site has a sanctioned Event Calendar now, so that'll  help a lil' bit in case I need to change things up.

The dynamic one for 2021 will be the Inner-State.  May take some work to pull that one off, but ...   nothing a several good weekend road trips can solve?  Nothing else, forces me to do some miles next year, and that's the whole point!




Took me awhile to 'crack' the code on the DRP patch.  I've procured the base one and the chevrons.  This weekend I'll get the base 2500 and the 5000 chevron sewn on ...  then park the others (10,000, 15,000 etc) in the drawer until I acquire the miles ....  but .. got 'em for future use when authorized!



When I posted the DRP patch on my FB page, Goose chimed in with a pic of his LRRP patch.  That one is definitely more 'prestigious'; his with the 1,000 mile "Finish the Mission" chevron. I commented back with my IBA info, that'd I'd done the 1,000 before and mentioned this one was on my goals list for 2021.  With the CVMA Nationals event up in Wyoming about 1300 miles away, it would qualify ... if ridden within 24 hours of course.   For some reason I found myself on the CVMA site looking at the LRRP qualifications.. and ... got edumacated' .  I thought it was ONLY for a 1,000 mile / 24 hr ride ... I was wrong.  Turns out there are three distinct options.

QUALIFICATIONS: To be eligible to purchase the National LRRP patch you must be a CVMA® Member and meet ONE of the following criteria within a calendar year:

    FINISH THE MISSION (FTM): Single award per calendar year for riding to OR from the National Annual Meeting. The member must ride 1,000 miles (or farther) within a single 24-hour period either to OR from the CVMA® National Annual National Meeting.

    TRI-STATE: Single award per calendar year for riding to three (3) separate out-of-state Sanctioned Events in three different states (National Sanctioned Events, Regional Sanctioned Events, or State Sanctioned Events). All events must be a minimum of 100 miles in travel one-way via the most direct route. Can complete consecutive events.

    INNER-STATE: Single award per calendar year for riding to multiple separate Home State Sanctioned Events (National Sanctioned Events, Regional Sanctioned Events, State Sanctioned Events, Chapter meetings other than member’s own). Sanctioned event mileage not counted towards compiled mileage. Compiled mileage must equal or exceed 1500 miles for travel to / from / between Sanctioned Events and Chapter meetings within the Home State during the calendar year. Cannot be combined with Tri-State.

Well... crap!  How did I miss that? I've been a member for 2.5 yrs and this has never come up before. Another thing I didn't realize until yesterday .   Each year has it's own chevron/banner.  So, theoretically, one could get at least 3 total per year, under the base patch?  I know... I know.. what's the big deal?  Well... for some reason .. .it is with me.  I guess .. because, most don't wear it.  Most won't do it.  Many .. are not .... ummmm...  capable?  Did I just say that?  I've written about all this before within different contexts.  The average person is NOT up for an Iron Butt.  The average person... not even a 500 mile ride.  In fact, it's kind of weird how many ... don't put many miles on their bikes at all? I'm not talking about the CVMA specifically .. but the entire motorcycle community.  Just a fact.  So, I find myself enthralled with this patch I guess ... allows one to achieve and display, what most ... don't?  Simple as that.

(correction: I just did an email search and ...back in APR 18 there was an email on the subject, but ...  I dropped the ball.  Was a newbie on board a month at this point and didn't grasp what I'd just passed up... fuk! Easy coulda woulda shoulda first two months, but didn't turn in the paperwork)

Well.. back to my thought process yesterday.   Sadly, I only have TWO rides for 2020 that qualify for the INNER-STATE banner.  Texas State meeting and a Chapter 23-1 monthly meeting I recently attended. That's it!  But the State ride to South Padre alone almost got me the qualification.. that's  basically what happened in 2018 when I did over 1500 round trip to El Paso.   I could have got this patch back in 2018 if I'd been paying attention ... but .. I had no clue.  So now .. I'm focused on how to get another 250 quick miles.  This isn't a simple as one might assume.   But, we have a new calendar and I can see a couple of chapter meetings on the schedule that will give me a 300 mile to/from.  A couple of sanctioned events as well.   Now, we just need the weather to cooperate?   Then .. first one ... done!

But the fun is really next year.   Come June, I plan on heading to Nationals in Wyoming. That would qualify for FTM.  Then of course the INNER-STATE which I'd like to accomplish for all the 'right reasons'; hit a lot of other chapter's events.  Then the interesting one would be ..TRI-STATE.   With OK, LA, and AR within a few hundred miles each .. just need to do some leg work to find the sanctioned events in each? Not as easy as it sounds ... hence the banner for it!

Hard to believe this patch has me dreaming and scheming.. but one could argue that's the whole point?  To get one on the bike and get out with our Brothers and Sisters in other Chapters? Well, Mission Accomplished.

Hopefully this time next year, I'll post a pic of the patch(es) and be able to say "Mission Accomplished" on my end

UPDATE FEB 2022:  Medical issue kept me from the Finish the Mission in '21, but the got the other two.  On track for a triple in '22

UPDATE SEP 2022: All three accomplished for '22, with 2 tabs for last year.  Those three for '22 now equate to GRAND SLAM, so you only wear one vs the 3; in Red background it stands out!

Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...