May Ride: The Wall That Heals



May Chapter Ride / 9 MAY 2019

We head to Durant for the Traveling WallWe'll target a common point for those traveling from Rockwall , Greenville: Trenton, TX.

Greenville start point will the be the Quik Trip on Bus 69 just S or I-30.  We'll go KSU at 1000 HRS and head 30 miles north to Trenton. From there we'll meet up with folks rolling in up 78 from Rockwall/Royce City and take the 'long' way to Durant , another 55 miles..   ( Google Map

Folks leaving Rockwall have a 41 mile run to Trenton to meet up with us ( Google Map ) ... KSU at 0945 will allow us all to meet in Trenton simultaneously.

Trenton Meet up Point.  SW Corner of of 121/69 is a Qwik Chek gas station.

Upon arrival at our destination area, we'll grab a bite to eat before heading to the Traveling Wall. Restaurant location to be decided before depart date.

Two Start Points, meet in Trenton


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Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...