Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks! 

At the core, our Meetings are our official communication tool/process. Minutes are produced from there for historical purposes and distribution to members.  But what about between meetings?  GIO has become our defacto Communication tool in the Chapter.  I got drug in screaming 4 years ago when it was instituted, but .. I'm probably the biggest proponent of it today.  Proof?  As I type this there are 4180 messages in the general area for all members, of which I've authored over 1,000 of them.  I about shit when I saw that yesterday.  In that mix of over 4,000 messages are 469 Topics.   That's what .. about 10 messages/replies for every topic on average?  Sounds about right.  

Kicker is, it's an awesome tool to get info out and more importantly, to keep it all archived and visible for searching past data out.  Problem is.. most don't know how to use it. Every week or two I hear something along that line.  I honestly don't get it.  I know guys that were computer studs back in the day and they can barely operate a smart phone nowadays.  I know guys that are gurus with some of this stuff and use nothing but a smart phone, but no desktop or laptop at home. I'm not that guy.  I use my Samsung Smartphone religiously.  But, I'm typing this and most of my communication from a wireless keyboard attached to my laptop, connected to a large monitor.  Fuck that tiny phone keyboard crap.  JS.  Hell, my cell phone is wirelessly connected to my laptop and I can text from this keyboard on my phone.  I can take my calls on my laptop.  

Hopefully, if you're reading this you went to the first link I posted above to review GIO basics.  It's so simple and efficient it's scary.   But, too many people don't get it.  But, those same people don't necessarily understand FB or X/Twitter or god knows what else they use.  Tik Tok? LMAO.  No thank you .. js.  I used billboards and forums religiously for decades, maybe that's why I find GIO simple to use?  Hell, the CVMA has a National Forum that by my calculations, less than 10% of the Association utilizes.  There is a HUGE amount of data in there that most  .. all .. should be aware of.  But, like I said.... maybe 10%.  SMH.  I've said for years 20% do 80% of the work in all aspects of life.  Ten percent .. twenty percent.....  close enough.

Sadly, I don't have an answer for a 'best' option for communication.  Email?  Some never reply.  Cell phone?  Some never reply/answer.  FB?  Some don't use it.  Those that do, sometimes don't check it. So, what to do?  GIO.  Get with the Program or .. left in the dark.  I don't have the answers.  You can only spoon feed this stuff to a certain degree.......

First Ride of 2025

Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh..... Snow is gone and mostly melted.  Woke up to 31 deg temp this morning, sipping a hot cup of Java and thinking ...  "it's a Ride Day!"

Announce it on GIO for the chapter to be aware, pull the bike out, start it up for the first time in a month (on a tender) and ... throwing codes.  Have no idea what's going on but after several restarts and 10 miles, they finally clear.  Only error left is one saying I've got a problem with my FOB; guessing it needs a new battery in it.  Oh well.  Four of us are meeting up in Lone Oak to drop off a Patch/Vest with one of our members whom ... well... had to 'repatch' in, due to missing annual dues.  Great excuse to ride?     

We head out on 2 laners to Longhorns' place, then find some BBQ for lunch and work our way home the long way.  We decide to blow post our homes and head to SWG for a cold one.  Well, for the others besides me;  I'm still in "Dry January" mode but have to admit I was tempted.  If I'd realized there were some Zero Alcohol Heinekens in the cooler I'd have had one or two.  Oh well; water it is.

When we roll up home 140 miles later, over 4 hours has gone by.  Temps are into the low 60s.  Sun is out.  I've got a smile on my face.  It's 2025 Riding Season and I'm ready.  GOD BLESS TEJAS!

Nationals 2026/2027

I'm a mess ... I know ;)   Sitting here planning 2 years out and still have GA for 2025 to complete.  

Iron Butt Association
Next, year, 2026 is the really interesting one.  Around 1500 miles.  If done in a day and a half, qualifies as a Bun Burner 1500; that's 1,500 miles in less than 36 hours. BUT, there are two other better options.  So, go for the Gold, Silver if necessary, Basic 1500 if one hits a wall. That 1500 is almost a guarantee if no bike issues.  Basically, knock out the 1k in 24 for the FTM, then double down for the IBA.  NOW, we are talking.  NOW, we've got a mission/plan!

Serious Miles!

 Nationals 2027.  NE is about 600 miles north of Greenville.... but, one needs 1,000. So, take the scenic route. I dig it... less Interstate!  Have to admit, surprised it shows less than 16 hours!

Nebraska or Bust 

Got a Plan!

Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Final Ride of Feb ... ?

KRAKEN (L) and KRIMSON (R) I've been all over the map this month.  Got back to Tejas a few days ago.   Hell, didn't unpack until lit...