Turning in the patch ....
Here we go again. Sometimes, I honestly don't get it. But, we don't know where someone's brain actually is? What they say may be a smoke screen for other shit going on?
Case in point. Lets say .. for discussion sake...... Some folks like to wear patches that .... hmmmm.... have a middle finger up signifying .. Fuck You .. and .. below it is STFUPOS ... .. yes I just made all that up. You can figure out what STFUPOS means. I just made it up. And, there is nothing out there that officially says you can't. However, your Region of a group you are in says... 'not on our watch'. You won't wear it that way. Someone draws a line and says "Why Not?". The man in the Regional Seat explains that though technically, there is nothing says you can't, in our region, we don't want that on the same vest as our Riding Group's patch. Done. But... it's not done. For two years this person bitches, even gets on social media and attempts to call out the Regional dude. Maybe even others. WTF ... Why? Is it really that big of a deal? A single fucking patch. Nobody else is wearing it like that in that local group. Another region has a few guys doing it... but... not our region. Apparently, they don't see it as an issue.
Now, it escalates. Others get involved. Maybe someone wants to even involve me if I have a level of responsibility in the group .. .. the region. But, I don't agree with the whiner. My thoughts? What if I'm thinking .. 'who gives a fuck? Why the big deal?'. Is it worth that person leaving the organization? Well .. .apparently for some it is.
Now . the real question. Was it the patch issue or .. was the person begging for something to argue about so they had an excuse to leave? Here's the crazy part. I'm looking at a picture as I type this and the "actual" patch not mentioned in this analogy is nowhere to be seen. I know for a fact, it's not an issue on this person's vest. So, why bitch? Why complain? Why walk? Because... it's wasn't the issue. It was an excuse to walk. Sad ..... my thoughts?
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