CVMA's Social Media Presence

As you read this, you're on 23-11's external web site.  This is maintained on for ease/simplicity of implementation.    Though we try to keep the latest info here, good or bad, much info also resides on Facebook.  Here's some links to help you navigate  

Every member should have headed here at some point. You have a 201 File accessible.  You can find the link to the National Store for patches and other items.   You can pay your annual National dues here.

From a FB perspective, this appears to be a National Level Group:

From there, lets move down the food chain to the CVMA TEXAS 23.  Here's the external Web Page:

Next, 23-11's FB prescience.  The public page is here:

There you have it!   For those that want the simplest path to the answer... you probably just found it on this page.  For those digging deep for info, look in the above links?!

Welcome to my world on 2 wheels

Groups IO | GIO

 Written about this subject a few times.  Found this where I'd covered it the most :  GroupsIO .. Tricks!  At the core, our Meetings are...